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Who the two first were, we will not attempt to say, though Irish traditions declare that some of them were there before the Flood, and that one Fintan was saved by being transformed into a salmon, and so swimming about till the water subsided, after which he resumed the human form, and lived so long that the saying was, "I could tell you much, if I was as old as Fintan."

I am the fair Fintan son of Bochra; I proclaim it aloud. Since the flood came here I am a great personage in Ireland." In the middle of the sixth century he was summoned as a witness by the descendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages against King Dermot MacKerval, in a dispute as to the ancient divisions of Ireland.

Fintan Lalor's policy, rejected by the Young Irelanders in 1846, was beginning to take hold in 1868; the movement for self-government was becoming linked on to the driving force of land-hunger. In the eyes of Lord Sligo and all his class Tenant Right meant Landlord Wrong, and Moore himself was not exempt from that feeling.

A rich man named Fintan was childless, for his wife was barren for many years. Declan therefore, praying to God and blessing the pair, said: "Proceed to your home and through God's bounty you shall have offspring." The couple returned home, with great joy for the blessing and for the promise of the offspring.

The following night, Fintan lay with his wife and she conceived and brought forth twin sons, scil.: Fiacha and Aodh, who, together with their children and descendants were under tribute and service to God and Declan.

Colman, Bishop of Dromore; St. Moling, Bishop of Ferns; St. Colman Ela, Abbot; St. Cummian, "the White;" St. Fintan, Abbot; St. Gall, Apostle of Switzerland; St. Fridolin, "the Traveller;" St. Columbanus, Apostle of Burgundy and Lombardy; St. Killian, Apostle of Franconia; St. Columbkill, Apostle of the Picts; St. Cormac, called "the Navigator;" St. Cuthbert; and St. Aidan, Apostle of Northumbria.

* De Jubainville, Irish Mythological Cycle; when also Fintan's poem quoted above. Now here is a strange relic of the Secret Teaching that comes down with this legend of Fintan.

But it was through fright the women died, for not one of them had a wound or a bruise or a mark. AT the end of a fortnight Fionn and Goll and the chief men of the Fianna attended at Tara. The king, his son and daughter, with Flahri, Feehal, and Fintan mac Bocna sat in the place of judgement, and Cormac called on the witnesses for evidence.

In Ireland, indeed, there was at least one man from before the Flood living in historic times: Fintan, whom, with others, Noah sent into the western world while the Ark was building. Here is one of Fintan's poems: "If you inquire of me concerning Ireland, I know and can relate gladly all the invasions of it since the beginning of the delightful world.

"What is your judgement?" the king asked Feehal. Feehal then pronounced: "I hold that clann-Morna were attacked first, and that they are to be free from payment of damages." "And as regards Fionn?" said Cormac. "I hold that on account of his great losses Fionn is to be exempt from payment of damages, and that his losses are to be considered as damages." "I agree in that judgement," said Fintan.