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"There are so many," I said. "About the importation of arms into this country." I had my suspicions, rather more than suspicions, for I had been thinking over the somewhat remarkable performances of Bob Power and the Finola. I did not, however, want to say anything definite until I knew how much information Moyne had. After all Bob Power had now arranged to be my son-in-law.

At length, one midsummer morn, she ordered forth her chariot, that with the four children she might come to the palace of Bove Derg. When Finola heard it, her fair face grew pale, for in a dream had it been revealed unto her that Eva, her step-mother, should that day do a dark deed among those of her own household.

"The Princess Finola was banished to the lonely moor by the king, your master.

As she finished, the swans turned towards her, and Finola spake: 'Evil is the deed thy magic wand hath wrought, O Eva, on us the children of Lir, but greater evil shall befall thee, because of the hardness and jealousy of thine heart. And Finola's white swan-breast heaved as she sang of their pitiless doom. The song ended, again spake the swan-maiden.

And when Finola and her brothers heard once more the sweet Gaelic speech, and saw the faces of their own people, their happiness was greater than can be told. For long they were silent, but at length Finola spake.

'I think, went on Finola, 'that we ought to have asked for volunteers to go out and fight, instead of nurses to cocker up the men who are fools enough to get themselves shot. We'd have got them. 'You would not, said Tim. 'The clergy would have been dead against you. They would have nipped the whole project in the bud without so much as making a noise in doing it. 'That's true, said Grealy.

Have you got into a mess with a girl? Or' he brightened up at the guess 'are you hopelessly enamoured of the beautiful Finola? That would be most suitable. The bold, bad woman sends the minstrel boy to his death, with his wild harp slung behind him. I could draw tears from the stoniest-hearted elder brother over that.

In Bob's opinion there were several things very well worth doing. He suggested one of them at once. "Let's get out the Finola," he said, "and go for a cruise. We've never done the South Sea Islands." The Finola was the largest of Conroy's yachts, a handsome vessel of something over a thousand tons. "Cruising in the Finola," said Conroy, "is no earthly good to me.

No longer did it strike terror into the hearts of the children of Lir, rather as a note of peace did it sink into their souls. Then, when the last chime died, Finola said, 'Let us sing to the great King of Heaven and Earth. Far stole the sweet strains of the white swans, far across Inis Glora, until they reached the good Saint Kemoc, for whose early prayers the Christ-bell had chimed.

He killed her father, who was the rightful king, and would have killed Finola, only he was told by an old sorceress that if he killed her he would die himself on the same day, and she advised him to banish her to the lonely moor, and she said she would fling a spell of enchantment over it, and that until the spell was broken Finola could not leave the moor.