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He usually gets out of bed about six, or a little after, to enjoy the cool air of the morning, and sip his chocolate, with the aid of broas, without which he could scarcely manage to get through the day; he then dresses, and drives to his office, where he remains till twelve o'clock, which hour finishes his official duties for the day.

I asked in surprise. "What would bring her home?" he repeated, with some irritation. "Why they'd send her if the bills warn't paid that's what Marm Marvin couldn't help her, and Jed wouldn't give her a cent. Them school-bills, you know, I've always paid out o' my wages that's why Jed let her go. No; I'll stick it out here till she finishes, if it kills me.

He felt that he must see more of her. "I say," he said. "When this binge is over . . . when the rehearsal finishes, you know, how about a bite to eat?" "I should love it. I generally go to the Automat." "The how-much? Never heard of it." "In Times Square. It's cheap, you know." "I was thinking of the Cosmopolis." "But that's so expensive." "Oh, I don't know.

"And if I hadn't had nervous prostration I would have enjoyed it. That race-course is always cool, and there were some fine finishes. I noticed two horses that would bear watching, Her Highness and Glowworm. If we weren't leaving to-morrow, I'd be inclined " Dolly regarded him with eyes of horror. "Champneys Carter!" she exclaimed. As she said it, it sounded like "Great Jehoshaphat!"

"Will he ?" Her eyes finished the question. He shook his head. "Don't know. That's the mischief of it. If they should meet just after Curly finishes riding the boy won't have a chance. His nerves won't be steady enough." "Dad is doing something. I don't know what it is. He had a meeting with a lot of cattlemen about it I don't see how that boy can sit there on the fence laughing when any minute "

"Now we fear it is quite finished," they sighed. But no, for another two ran up the ladder, and tied some smoke to the chimney. "That certainly finishes it," they cried reluctantly. "Not at all," cried a glow-worm, "if she were to wake without seeing a night-light she might be frightened, so I shall be her night-light." "Wait one moment," said a china merchant, "and I shall make you a saucer."

"We are four men and we do what we can, but " he finishes with a gesture of the helpless male entangled in that most clinging, exasperating web of all cooking and dish-washing! "Ca n'en finit plus, Mademoiselle," he exclaims in humorous misery. "One has no sooner finished, when one must begin again. Bah! It is woman's work," with a lordly touch of imperiousness. It is the ancient voice of Man.

How much it cost me to renounce the thought that he might become a soldier! For half a year I was ill. Just imagine to yourself, my dear, when he finishes his course, they will give him some rank or other, such as they give to any priest's son clerking in a government office! Isn't it awful?

"What do you mean, Charlie, by this idleness? Go, do your lesson, or I shall be obliged to punish you." She took me by the arm, and gently pressed it as she told me to resume my seat. At four o'clock, of course, my lesson was as far as before from being done. "Mary and Eliza, you can go into the garden. Charles will remain until he finishes his lesson, or is punished for his idleness."

'Very seldom, said Andy, 'and then only when he has to, on business. When he finishes his business with the stock agents, he takes a run out to Waverley Cemetery perhaps, and comes home by the next train. After a while I said, 'He told me about the drink, Andy about his being on the spree when the children were lost.