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When in full leafage this is a distinct and beautiful tree, the foliage hanging in well-rounded masses, and presenting a pretty effect by reason of the loose and tufted appearance of the masses of finely-divided leaves. Leaves often 3 feet long, bipinnate, and composed of numerous bluish-green leaflets.

We can very well see how that silt will be carried down in greater quantities than sand, since nearly all rivers in some part of their course will travel through a clayey district, and finely-divided clay, being of a very light nature, will be carried forward whenever a river passes over such a district.

And the loveliest colours ever granted to human sight those of morning and evening clouds before or after rain are produced on minute particles of finely-divided water, or perhaps sometimes ice. But more than this.

Now and then, as I looked upwards, I was struck with the finely-divided foliage strongly defined against the blue sky, here and there lighted up by the bright sunshine; while, in the region below through which we moved, a deep gloom prevailed, adding grandeur and solemnity to the scene.

Finally there is meteoric dust, which is continually falling to the surface of the earth, but in such minute quantities and in such a finely-divided state that it can be detected only in the oozes of the deepest oceans, where both inorganic and organic débris is almost absent.

A considerable amount of sulphuric acid is now made by the so-called "contact process," in which sulphur dioxide and oxygen unite to form sulphuric acid in presence of a heated "contact" substance, usually some form of finely-divided platinum. Nitric Acid.