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And Liddy, whose dream had always been to do "reg'lar city dress-makin', with helpers an' plates an' furnish the findin's at the shop," and whose lot instead had been to cut and fit "just the durable kind," was blithely at work night and day on Mis' Postmaster Sykes's tobacco-brown net.

"My troth," sez I, "you've lived too long you an' your seekin's an' findin's in a dacint married woman's quarters! Hould up your head, ye frozen thief av Genesis," sez I, "an' you'll find all you want an' more!" 'But he niver hild up, an' I let go from the shoulther to where the hair is short over the eyebrows. "That'll do your business," sez I, but it nearly did mine instid.

Ches was ravenous to learn why it was that I wanted all that old scandal dished up; but I was too busy to tell him right then, an' he was goin' to leave in an hour to overlook some new findin's out in Nevada. We promised to write to each other, an' I told him that probably I'd be willin' to take a job with him in a month or so; an' then he skinned out to make ready, an' I got busy on my letter.

It wasn't none of your common stealin's an' findin's; an' it aint everywhere you'll see a child that kin git itself lost back of Prince Albert's monnyment, an' git itself found at the operer in Paris, an' attend to both ends of the case itself. An', after all, them two high notes of hern was more good than Perkins's Indelible Dab."

But no stone appeared. Like most of his genus he was superstitious, and repeated to himself the cabalistic formula: "Losin's seekin's, findin's keepin's" presumed to be of great efficacy in such cases with religious fervor. He had laboriously reached the end of the veranda when he noticed the open window of Louise's room, and stopped as a perfunctory duty to look in.

"I dropped it just now." "Findin's keepin's, I believe," said the big boy. "Nonsense," I said. "Give me my knife." "'Ow many blades it got?" "Three." "And what sort of 'andle?" "Bone." "Got a corkscrew like?" "Yes." "Ah! This ain't your knife no'ow. See?" He made no offer to show it to me. My breath went. "Look here!" I said. "I saw that kid pick it up. It IS my knife."

He said I had a good case an' that he would save me my findin's, but that I had to give him half of it for his services in advance. If you don't tell a lawyer the truth he can't fight your case; an' if you do you put yourself in his power. Course I don't claim to be authority, but I just actually don't like the law.

"Some boys," remarked one of the prisoners. "But findin's ain't fixin's," said a British soldier. "Oh, ain't they though!" said Archer. "We'll have it fixed in How long'll it take to fix it, Slady?" "Maybe a couple of days," said Tom. "Mybe a couple o' weeks," said the Britisher. "Mybe it won't, yer jolly good bloomin' ole London fag, you!" mimicked Archer. "It's as good as fixed already."

No expert gent can give opinions worth a white chip concernin' nosepaint short o' six drinks, an' we wasn't out to make no errors in our findin's about that Valley Tan.

"Thet comin' from you, Wade, is like the findin's of a jury.... It's gettin' along toward October. Snow'll be flyin' soon. You don't reckon them strangers will winter in the woods?" "No, I don't. Neither does Lewis. You recollect him?" "Yes, thet prospector who hangs out around Buffalo Park, lookin' fer gold. He's been hyar. Good fellar, but crazy on gold."