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And if she begins practically and systematically to appeal to it, she will find herself in possession of a new element of power new, at least, to her realization the exercise of which will be as easy and agreeable to herself as it will be effective in its influence over her children.

Mandelslo, a German, who travelled in India, 1638-40, in describing the customs of the European merchants at Surat, speaks of tea as of something unfamiliar. The reasons he gives for drinking both it and coffee are charmingly incongruous, as is generally the case when men undertake to find some solemn excuse for doing what they like.

But if it be true that modern men can find little comfort in dogmatic religion, and if it be true that this age, in reaction from the materialism of the nineteenth century, is becoming conscious of its spiritual need and longs for satisfaction, then it seems reasonable to advise them to seek in art what they want and art can give.

"My dear lady mother, if you knew what a pleasure it is to find something untamable where everything is so confoundedly slow you would not wonder at my fondness for the brute. As to your anxiety, that is ridiculous. A Hildreth has too much sense to be conquered by a horse and make a spectacle of himself into the bargain. Au revoir.

"I am always hungry for fat babies." "Can't you find any fat babies in Oz to eat?" inquired Loo, the Unicorn. "There are plenty of them, of course," said the Tiger, "but unfortunately I have such a tender conscience that it won't allow me to eat babies. So I'm always hungry for 'em and never can eat 'em, because my conscience won't let me."

"But I work nearly all night and sleep most of the day, and am like a cog in a big machine that never stops grinding." "Shouldn't do it. Wears a man out," and Mr. Giddings sagely nodded his head. "Course you are going up to the game to-day. Come along with me. Special car with a big bunch of your old pals inside. They'll be tickled to death to find I've dug you out of your hole. Hello!

"If we have been of use to you," said the youngest of the two, "it was by accident, but we are none the less pleased to find that we have done some good." And taking several steps to the rear, he bent over the guariba, and, not without an effort, withdrew the case from his stiffened hand. "Doubtless that, sir, is what belongs to you?"

The Poets and Players would soon find themselves oblig'd to restrain their licentious Conduct, reform the Theatre, and present to the Town, if not instructive, at least inoffensive and unshocking Diversions.

Then Ravenslee turned to find Hermione sunk down beside the table, her burning face hidden between her arms, her betraying eyes fast shut. "You are tired," he said gently, "that damned er I should say Mr. Flowers and other unpleasant things have upset you, haven't they?"

He made a hasty but sufficient search and returned to the study. The extremity of his fear was now passed, but an unpleasantly eery feeling still lingered about him and he had a very definite desire to find himself in some warm, human neighborhood.