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In another case we shall find a Worshipful Company of Whitewashers who do deserve their name, in the sense that many of them employ a large number of other people to whitewash. These Companies support large charities and often doubtless very valuable charities; but their object is quite different from that of the old charities of the Guilds.

They were to climb one of the mountains near by and dear old Professor Hastings was to be their guide. Old in years but young in heart and lithe still in limb, he stood out among the students as one of the best of the companions. As they climbed, Marcia kept near to him. "I am looking," he said, "for a rare little flower which grows on this mountainside. Perhaps you can help me find it.

Our only chance to escape them was to strike into the mountains; and the sign that we now had gave promise that we should find some sort of a path along which we might go.

Dose, one, two, or three, to be given when necessary, for torpid bowels. In case of a severe attack of headache the best remedy is, generally, to take a good strong physic of salts and senna. If this does not relieve it, or where the person is very frequently troubled with headache, apply a blister to the back of the neck, you will find it an excellent remedy.

Collard, a wealthy but simple shoemaker, came to their quarters, to consult them on a very intricate and important affair; he told them, “that it was the opinion of every body in the country, that his grandmother had somewhere concealed very large sums of money before her death, and that himself, by several dreams, was confirmed in the same opinion, and that he thought proper to advise with them upon the affair; not doubting but they, by the help of their profound learning and knowledge, for which they were so famous through the west, were capable of informing him in what particular place he might find this particular treasure, which if they would discover to him, he would give them thirty guineas.”

Occasionally I hear very sweet strains of music, whether of a wind or stringed instrument, or a human voice, strange as it may seem, I have often tried to find out, but through the partition I could not be quite sure.

How easy it is to divine the æstheticism of any one signing, "Carmen Sylva." In youth the genius of Shelly astonished me; but now I find the stupidity of the ordinary person infinitely more surprising.

A man that is an oracle surrounds himself with something soft in having people defer to him. I must say I think he is too oracular about disease, considering the amount of study he has given to the science of medicine. He went into the study of medicine in a sort of self-coddling way, to find out what the matter was with himself.

"Have no fear, sahib!" he counselled Cunningham a moment later, laying a heavy hand on the boy's arm. "Let her keep her promises. That Hindoo pig will not keep his! We will be after her, and surely surely we will find good cause for some throat-slitting as well as the cancelling of marriage promises!"

But, in this as in all the other phases of clairvoyant phenomena, there is found a reason and cause, although it requires some subtle thinking to find it, and to grasp it even when it is found. Let us see what are the highest teachings on this subject, as announced by the careful thinkers along the lines for many centuries. Simple Prevision.