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He began, in the shape of a personal account, a statement of a series of conclusions to which his thinking had brought him, which he called the "Clue of the Labyrinth," Filum Labyrinthi. But he laid this aside unfinished, and rewrote and completed it in Latin, with the title Cogitata et Visa. It gains by being in Latin; as Mr.

Who can trace the filum aquae of the most erratic and arrogant river in all the world? The river is not now as it was ten years ago, nor the same to-day as it will be ten years hence. Channel and cut-off and island and main current go on in their juggling, and will do so when generations shall have been forgotten.

To my father it was a chequer-board of lively forces, which he traced from pool to shallow with minute appreciation and enduring interest. 'That bank was being under-cut, he might say. 'Why? Suppose you were to put a groin out here, would not the filum fluminis be cast abruptly off across the channel? and where would it impinge upon the other shore? and what would be the result?

It lies motionless, trailing itself among the gravel; you cannot tell where it begins or ends; it may be a dead strip of sea-weed, Himanthalia lorea, perhaps, or Chorda filum; or even a tarred string. So thinks the little fish who plays over and over it, till he touches at last what is too surely a head. In an instant a bell-shaped sucker mouth has fastened to his side.

Field-slaves, difference of, from house-slaves. Fiji Archipelago, population of the. Fiji Islands, beards of the natives; marriage-customs of the. Fijians, burying their old and sick parents alive; estimation of the beard among the; admiration of, for a broad occiput. Filial affection, partly the result of natural selection. Filum terminale. Finch, racket-shaped feathers in the tail of a.

He died at Wimpole, a seat of the Earl of Oxford, on the 18th of September, 1721, and was buried in Westminster; where on a monument, for which, as the "last piece of human vanity," he left five hundred pounds, is engraven this epitaph: Sui Temporis Historiam meditanti, Paulatim obrepens Febris Operi simul et Vitae filum abrupit, Sept. 18. An. Dom. 1721. AEtat. 57.

Spedding in another preface, "that is to say, the peculiar method of investigation, the "organum," the "formula," the "clavis," the "ars ipsa interpretandi naturam," the "filum Labyrinthi," or by whatever of its many names we choose to call that artificial process by which alone he believed man could attain a knowledge of the laws and a command over the powers of nature of this philosophy we can make nothing.

The name was extended in the form "dollar" to other coins of similar size, notably the old Spanish "piece of eight." See Pieces of eight. Doubloon. A former Spanish gold coin worth about eight dollars. Eight. See Pieces of. Embargo. A temporary order from Government to prevent the arrival or departure of ships. To reach the track left by a ship. Latin filum, French file = a row.

W., on muscular fasciculi in man referable to the panniculus carnosus; on the occurrence of the supra-condyloid foramen in the human humerus; on muscles attached to the coccyx in man; on the filum terminale in man; on the variability of the muscles; on abnormal conditions of the human uterus; on the development of the mammary glands; on male fishes hatching ova in their mouths; on the external perpendicular fissure of the brain; on the bridging convolutions in the brain of a chimpanzee.

To my father it was a chequer-board of lively forces, which he traced from pool to shallow with minute appreciation and enduring interest. "That bank was being undercut," he might say; "why? Suppose you were to put a groin out here, would not the filum fluminis be cast abruptly off across the channel? and where would it impinge upon the other shore? and what would be the result?