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Nashville has a filtered water supply; New York is going to have one as soon as the $12,000,000 filtration plant can be built at Jerome Park. Street car fares are five cents in both cities; in Nashville one can always get a seat; in New York one has to scramble for standing room.

The filter will then have four short segments where there are three thicknesses and four where there is one thickness, but the latter are evenly distributed around its circumference, thus greatly aiding the passage of liquids through the paper and hastening both filtration and washing of the whole contents of the filter. A strip of metallic tin is kept in the bottle.

The beds of rivers are heated as far as the depth to which the solar rays can penetrate without undergoing too great an extinction in their passage through the superincumbent strata of water. Besides, filtration extends in a lateral direction far beyond the bed of the river. The shore, which appears dry to us, imbibes water as far up as to the level of the surface of the river.

This operation opens a large filtration passage for the intra-ocular fluids and the prompt healing of the wound with its mucous covering prevents prolapse of the iris. Under no circumstances must iris be left between the lips of the wound.

I have said nothing of solid or undissolved impurities in water, which are said to be in suspension, for the separation of these is a merely mechanical matter of settling, or filtration and settling combined.

We collect in this way, after several hours, a few cubic inches of a liquid which is absolutely pure, since animals may be inoculated with it without danger to them, while the smallest quantity of the same liquid, when not filtered, infallibly causes death. This is the process that I have applied to the filtration of water.

Add to the clear liquid one or two drops of silver nitrate solution, to make sure that an excess of the reagent is present. If a precipitate, or cloudiness, appears as the drops fall into the solution, heat again, and stir until the whole precipitate has coagulated. The solution is then ready for filtration.

Shake well, and keep the tube in a water-bath at about 100 degrees F. A very good emulsion is obtained. Experiment 80. To show that bile favors filtration and the absorption of fats. Place two small funnels of exactly the same size in a filter stand, and under each a beaker. Pour into each an equal volume of almond oil; cover with a slip of glass to prevent evaporation.

The slow addition is less likely to occasion contamination of the precipitate by the inclosure of other substances which may be in the solution, or of the reagent itself. Filtration in analytical processes is most commonly effected through paper filters.

In ground thus pervaded with moisture, or rendered COLD, as the Tuscans express it, by the filtration of the canal-water, the vines and the mulberries, after having for a few years yielded fruit of a saltish taste, rot and perish. The wheat decays in the ground, or dies as soon as it sprouts.