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Pauline turned toward the cabin to rouse the others for a real pirate chase, when she was silenced and stunned by the sight of Filipo, the cook, staggering out of the galley, with his bearded chin drooping on his breast, his knees swaying under him, his arms weaving cubist caricatures in the air and his voice raised in unintelligible song.

His eyes were roving around the cabin in search of something and Pauline was looking very hard at him. "What's that ticking sound?" inquired the cook. He went to the cabin clock and listened. No, it wasn't that. Pauline could hear it, too, and it wasn't her tiny watch. Filipo made a search of the cabin and finally located the sound under the floor.

Now then, who were scorching in those fires that had been burning from the beginning of the world? Its very ancient existence is proved by Christian philosophy, which teaches that God has created nothing new since he rested." "But it could have existed in potentia and not in actu," observed Don Filipo. "Very well! But yet I must answer that some knew of it and as existing in actu.

"I propose that we erect a theater in the middle of the plaza, to cost one hundred and fifty pesos." "That won't be enough! It'll take one hundred and sixty," objected a confirmed conservative. "Write it down, Señor Director, two hundred pesos for the theater," said Don Filipo.

No one will forgive him for having been afraid of him. Worse and worse, ahem!" "Do you think so?" asked Capitan Basilio curiously. "I hope," said Don Filipo, exchanging a look with the latter, "that the people won't desert him. We must keep in mind what his family has done and what he is trying to do now. And if, as may happen, the people, being intimidated, are silent, his friends "

She turned her wrath upon the musical and meandering Filipo. "Filipo!" she demanded. "Go to bed at once." For answer he reeled toward her. "Cook boiled boiled three minute," he said. Then with a lurch he fell sprawling at her feet. Boyd had started back to the cabin in haste and excitement. Pauline's first instinct was to leave the inebriated man, but pity mastered her and she stooped to lift him.

Gladly do I die! Claudite iam rivos, pueri!" "Don't you want some medicine?" asked Don Filipo in order to change the course of the conversation, which had darkened the old man's face. "The dying need no medicines; you who remain need them. Tell Don Crisostomo to come and see me tomorrow, for I have some important things to say to him. In a few days I am going away. The Philippines is in darkness!"

"I always hold myself responsible for acts which emanate from my own will, Father," replied Don Filipo, slightly inclining his head. "But my little authority does not give me power to meddle in religious affairs. Those who wish to avoid contact with him do not have to speak to him. Señor Ibarra does not force himself on any one." "But he affords danger. He who loves danger perishes in it."

"Filipo." "Are you a nigger?" "I guess so; I dunno." "Well, what were your father and mother?" "I dunno." "That's funny; but what I want to know is how soon grub will be ready?" "Right away, senor." "All right, Filipo; see that there is plenty of it."

The countenance of Don Filipo had assumed a severe and haughty aspect, although his words and tones were still courteous and gentle, as he repeated: "It is impossible, senor." And then Judge Merlin seemed to understand that to continue to press money upon this proud old Castilian nobleman would be simply to insult him. With a deep bow, he said: "I yield the point to you, Senor Don Filipo.