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Jorrocks! we lived like fighting-cocks then; you should have been among us, such a rollicking set of dogs! could hunt all day, race maggots and drink claret all night, and take an occasional by-day with the hounds on a Sunday. Can't do that with the Surrey, I guess. There's the Hôtel d'Orleans," pointing to it as they turned the corner of the street; "splendid house it is.

I think, if I had been able, that I would have killed him through the barrel. Meantime, he ran on, little supposing he was overheard. "Here it is about gentlemen of fortune. They lives rough, and they risk swinging, but they eat and drink like fighting-cocks, and when a cruise is done, why, it's hundreds of pounds instead of hundreds of farthings in their pockets.

We live like fighting-cocks, and Charles takes us out every day in the motor a tomb with trees in it, a hermit's house, a wonderful road that was made by the Kings of Mercia tennis a cricket match bridge and at night we squeeze up in this lovely house. The whole clan's here now it's like a rabbit warren. Evie is a dear. They want me to stop over Sunday I suppose it won't matter if I do.

"A pretty story!" cried Malaga. "My dear boy, go on, I beg of you. This goes to one's heart." "Nothing commonplace could happen between two fighting-cocks of that calibre," added La Palferine. "Pooh!" cried Malaga. "I bet on Maxime," said Cardot. "Nobody ever caught him napping." Desroches drank off a glass that Malaga handed to him. "Mlle.

The merry voice of Sinang was heard, as she descended the stairs on a run and at once put an end to all excuses. "Come up a moment so that I can go out with you," said she. "It bores me to be among so many strangers who talk about nothing but fighting-cocks and playing cards." They went upstairs. The house was full of people. Some advanced to greet Ibarra, whose name was known to all.

Six weeks on the North Maine coast, for instance, or elsewhere where the yellow-fever germ cannot possibly propagate, would make us all as fit as fighting-cocks, as able as we are eager to take a leading part in the great campaign against Havana in the fall, even if we are not allowed to try Porto Rico.

Fighting-cocks were fed with garlic, to make them more fierce. The learned reader will remember how Theorus advised Dicaeopolis to keep clear of the Thracians with garlic in their mouths. See the Acharnians of Aristoph. See the quotations from Alcaeus, Sappho, and Anacreon in Athenaeus, book xiii. c. 17. So said Thucydides of the Spartans, many years afterwards.

These rajahs, born in the purple; bred amid slaves and fighting-cocks, inheriting an undisputed power over their subjects, and under all circumstances, whether of riches or poverty, receiving the abject submission of those around their persons, are naturally the slaves of their passions haughty, rapacious, vindictive, weak, and tenacious unto death of the paltry punctilio of their court The followers of such rajahs it is needless to describe; they are the tools of the rajah's will, and more readily disposed for evil than for good; unscrupulous, cunning, intriguing, they are prepared for any act of violence.

We live like fighting-cocks, and Charles takes us out every day in the motor a tomb with trees in it, a hermit's house, a wonderful road that was made by the Kings of Mercia tennis a cricket match bridge and at night we squeeze up in this lovely house. The whole clan's here now it's like a rabbit warren. Evie is a dear. They want me to stop over Sunday I suppose it won't matter if I do.

I think, if I had been able, that I would have killed him through the barrel. Meantime he ran on, little supposing he was overheard. "Here it is about gentlemen of fortune. They lives rough, and they risk swinging, but they eat and drink like fighting-cocks, and when a cruise is done, why it's hundreds of pounds instead of hundreds of farthings in their pockets.