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The Roman Catholic service has long since given place to a Protestant one, and the band of officiating priests has dwindled down to one clergyman while the value of the estate has increased perhaps fiftyfold. At the present moment, the sum which the estate originally produced is paid over to the church-wardens, who are at times a little puzzled as to what to do with it.

That being true, it is a matter of no concern to you, as dealers, where these come from sufficient it is that they are here, and, being here, they bring home to you the necessity of concerted action to uphold the diamond as a thing of value." "You said der vorld's oudpud had been increased fiftyfold?" suggested Mr. Schultze. "Do ve understand you prove him by dese?"

His hand disappeared into the leather packet again; poised on his finger-tips, when he withdrew them, was another huge jewel. He dropped it into Mr. Schultze's hand. "There is further proof that the diamond output has increased fiftyfold." Mr. Schultze seemed dazed as he turned and twisted the diamond in his hand. After a moment he passed it on down the table without a word.

"A duplicate also," and Mr. Wynne glanced at Mr. Cawthorne. "It is reasonably certain that you would have heard of that if it had disappeared from the Louvre." He turned to Mr. Schultze again. "I may add that this fiftyfold increase in output is not confined to small stones," he went on tauntingly. "They are of all sizes and values. For instance?"

"And I wish you were a little more like yourself," I answered, without thinking; "you used to think always there was nobody like me." "Suppose that I am of the same opinion still? Tenfold, fiftyfold, a millionfold?" "To suppose a thing of that sort is a little too absurd, when you have shown no sign of it." "For your own dear sake I have shown no sign. The reason of that is too clear to explain."

Now, that crop which he had just left had 'tillered out' well; but what profit should he get from the many stalks that had tillered or sprung from each single grain, thus promising a fiftyfold return? The thunderstorm before Christmas was not perhaps a favourable omen, since Winter's thunder and summer's flood Bode old England no good.

"Now, suddenly, and as yet secretly, the diamond output of the world has been increased fiftyfold that is, gentlemen, within the year I can place another billion dollars' worth of diamonds, at the prices that hold now, in the open market; and within still another year I can place still another billion in the market; and on and on indefinitely.

Mordacks answered, with a martial stride; "but not always, young lady, with such exquisite revenge. What I look at pays fiftyfold for being overlooked." "You are an impudent, conceited man," thought Mary to herself, with gross injustice; but she only blushed and said, "I beg your pardon, sir."

If such a sentence was ever passed upon him, as it was almost sure to be, Richard was well resolved that it should not be carried out; rather should this man die, and he himself, his slayer, be hung for it. His desire for vengeance upon those who had blasted his young life so cruelly was as strong as ever nay, stronger, fiftyfold; but he knew that he could never bear the lash.