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And it was Steve and not the table leg I'd been hangin' on to like grim death." "I should say you had," muttered the one mentioned, who was now rubbing his arm where Bandy-legs had pinched it, "and if you left a piece of skin as big as a fifty-cent piece below my elbow, I'll be glad, believe me. Bet you I'll be black and blue for a week of Sundays.

The young woman riffled through the packet and drove a hand into the jingling bag. Briskly she counted down before her the following items in currency and specie: Four one-hundred-dollar bills, six fifty-dollar bills, twelve twenty-dollar bills, five ten-dollar bills, one five-dollar bill, four one-dollar bills, one fifty-cent piece, one quarter, two dimes and one nickel.

There is no doubt that most sex books for young people are too extended, and there is need of condensed forty-and fifty-cent booklets in place of the books commonly sold at one dollar. Three or four small booklets by different authors read at widely separated intervals will interest and influence a young man more than one large and comprehensive book.

I walked off and left Effie playin' congregation to a sermon on the text 'Crockery costs money. You'd think that ice-cream dish was a genuine ugly, nicked 'antique' wuth any city loon's ten dollars, instead of bein' only new and pretty fifty-cent china. I felt real sorry for the poor girl. "But I needn't have been. That evenin' I found her on the back steps, all Sunday duds and airs.

Peter particularly needed the gallant little sailor's heartening. It was a bad sign not to meet him this morning; it confirmed his own opinion that he was an unlucky fellow, a chap doomed to remain a nonentity, one fitted for nothing better than scooping out a nickel's worth of nails, or wrapping up fifty-cent frying-pans!

The limitations of poverty are great, and even fifty-cent fares to the city were seldom compassed, except where, possibly, a legal holiday and a wedding fell on the same day, and the occasion was made memorable by an outing. Even then the returned travelers would have little to relate, except such scenes as clustered around the great depot with its neighboring lodging-houses and saloons.

Each ran a memorandum of this kind; and you can readily see how spirited a character metaphysics would assume under such conditions. "I'm going in," said Bertie, suddenly, as Billy was crediting himself with a fifty-cent gain. "What's your score?" "Two seventy-five, counting your break on Parmenides. It'll be cold." "No, it won't. Well, I'm only a quarter behind you."

The next day, when Mills, led by Frank, was on his round, the two entered a cigar-store. Frank was much surprised when the cigar-vender handed him a fifty-cent currency note. He thought there was some mistake. "Thank you, sir," he said; "but did you mean to give me fifty cents?" "Yes," said the cigar-vender, laughing; "but I wouldn't have done it, if it had been good." "Isn't it good?"

"After all, it's easy work being a millionaire," he explained, "when you've always had million-dollar inclinations." "And fifty-cent possibilities," she added. "Really, though, I'll never get as much joy out of my abundant riches as I did out of financial embarrassments."

A moment later he gasped as he saw his host carelessly ring a fifty-cent piece upon the gorgeous marble of the table top. Then the meal had cost so much as that! As he trotted doorward in the wake of the spurred heels, his boy's conscience faintly smote him. He almost felt that he had eaten too much. "My goodness!" he murmured, his glance missing the variegated mosaic of the floor.