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He was not only wise and provident in thought, but surely one of the fieriest of heroes in execution. It is hard to say which is the most remarkable his capacity for command, which subdued his very jailers; his hot, unflagging zeal; or his stubborn superiority to defeat.

Beyond the window above it rode the flying moon, and in the rays of it what did I see? "The figures stood as I had left them. But above the manger, over the shoulders of the Virgin, blazed a rope of light of diamonds such as I have never seen nor shall see again all flashing green and blue and fieriest scarlet and piercing white.

The color harmony of gray and green is cool and lively, the poise of the figure lacks the touch of languor that is present in the fieriest of the typical Spaniards. We seem to have passed into another and cooler air. The composition of this picture too, is especially admirable.

There is certainly a satisfaction in the direct radiance of a hickory fire which is not to be found in the fieriest blasts of a furnace. The hot air of a furnace is a sirocco; the heat of a wood-fire is only intense sunshine, like that bottled in Lacrimae Christi.

But as I tossed the earth and lime aside, and discovered my handiwork, the moon's rays were suddenly caught and reflected from within the pit, and I fell forward with a short gasp of delight. For there, kindled into quick shafts and points of colour violet, green, yellow, and fieriest red lay the missing diamond among Roger's bones.

And if so, what is it?... Wise men say there are two sets of wills to nations and to persons one set that acts and works from explainable motives from teaching, intelligence, judgment, circumstance, caprice, emulation, greed, etc. and then another set, perhaps deep, hidden, unsuspected, yet often more potent than the first, refusing to be argued with, rising as it were out of abysses, resistlessly urging on speakers, doers, communities, unwitting to themselves the poet to his fieriest words the race to pursue its loftiest ideal.

It will compensate you especially if you can get some cicerone who will tell you some of the associations that cling around the spot. It is in a back street narrow, squalid, filthy surrounded by all those signs of crumbling decay which speak more loudly to the visitor to Dublin of the decay and destruction of a nation than fieriest orator or solidest history.

For the expression of a social milieu, for manners, for the dialogue of ordinary use, for the whole detail of the speech characteristic of an individual and a type, for the right accent and pitch, for all the vanishing shades and aspects of the temporary and the particular, the greatest and the fieriest writer is at the mercy of observation and experience.

The captain, an enormous brawny Celt, with superhuman whiskers and a shock of the fieriest hair, had figged himself out, more majorum, in the full Highland costume. I never saw Rob Roy on the stage look half so dignified or ferocious. He glittered from head to foot with dirk, pistol, and skean-dhu; and at least a hundredweight of cairngorms cast a prismatic glory around his person.

You may scribble off prose in the fieriest frenzy who so fiery and frenzied as your journalist with the printer's devil at his elbow? but if you would aspire to Parnassus, you must go slow and steady.