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"Yet is it a wondrous fair place, messire, and we unharmed which is well, and we are together, which is also well." "And with but one beast to bear us twain!" "Yet he beareth us strong and nobly, messire!" "Fidelis, I would I ne'er had seen thee."

Down sprang Fidelis to look anxiously on Beltane's face, pale and haggard in the light of a great moon. Says Beltane, looking round about with knitted brow: "Fidelis O Fidelis, methinks I know this place these rocks the pool yonder there should be a road hereabout, the great road that leadeth to Mortain. Climb now the steep and tell me an you can see a road, running north and south."

And in some while comes Sir Fidelis to set out their viands, neat and orderly, as was ever his custom, and thereafter must needs chide Beltane, soft-voiced, for his lack of hunger, and cut dainty morsels, wooing him thereby to eat.

When she told of Kathleen's sudden avoidance of her and the other members of the Semper Fidelis Club, and of her subsequent intimacy with Alberta Wicks and Mary Hampton, Mabel exclaimed impatiently: "Those girls again! They were born trouble-makers, weren't they?" "But they turned out beautifully," defended Grace, "only I haven't reached that part of my story yet.

We saw a large brick jail in castellated style, with battlements, a very barren and dreary-looking edifice; likewise, in the more central part of the town, a Guildhall with a handsome front, ornamented with a statue of Queen Anne above the entrance, and statues of Charles I. and Charles II. on either side of the door, with the motto, "Floreat semper civitas fidelis."

Grace took a half step toward her, hesitated, then turned and walked quietly up the stairs to carry the invitation to the Semper Fidelis girls. She stopped first at the door of Emma Dean's room. Emma answered her knock with a cheerful "Come in." "As a loyal member of Semper Fidelis it is your duty to turn out with your sisters and attend a motion picture show," declaimed Grace from the threshold.

"I wonder what became of 'Peter Rabbit'?" remarked Anne, when, later in the evening, a number of Semper Fidelis girls gathered in one corner of the room to hold an informal session and compare notes. "Who is 'Peter Rabbit'; or, the Mystery of the 'Blue Jacket'?" declaimed Emma Dean. "Even Sherlock is all at sea, aren't you, Brother Holmes?"

"Dear my lord," spake Fidelis, and his voice thrilled strangely in Beltane's ears "O, Beltane, my lord, could'st thou but doubt thyself a little could'st thou, doubting thine own senses for love's sake, believe her now true true as thou would'st have her, then Love indeed might work for thee a miracle this night and thou be loved as man of god-like faith."

The Semper Fidelis Club, resplendent in cocked hats of junior blue and wide blue crepe paper sashes fastened in the back with immense butterfly bows, occupied places directly behind the faculty. They had gone to the gymnasium an hour and a half before the game in order to secure these seats, and were now ranged in an eager, exultant row, impatiently awaiting the entrance of the two teams.

It had been agreed upon by the Semper Fidelis girls that they should extend the right hand of fellowship as often as possible to the two seniors during the short time left them at Overton. It was Grace who had proposed this. "We must do all we can to help them fill the last of their college days with good times.