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The punctured part began to spread, and there was the areola around the inoculated part to a considerable extent. "As this is contrary to an assertion made in the Medical and Physical Journal, No. 8, I thought it right to give you this information, and remain, "Dear sir, etc., "J. FEWSTER."

Fewster, Surgeon, of Thornbury, I shall insert it: "Three children were inoculated with the vaccine matter you obligingly sent me.

Fewster, Surgeon, of Thornbury, in this county, a gentleman perfectly well acquainted with the appearances of the cow-pox on the human subject: "William Morris, aged thirty-two, servant to Mr. Cox of Almondsbury, in this county, applied to me the 2d of April, 1798.

Fewster affords a still clearer elucidation of this fact. Mr. Fewster says: "On the 3d of April, 1797, I inoculated Master H , aged fourteen months, for the smallpox. At the usual time he sickened, had a plentiful eruption, particularly on his face, and got well.

Cackling hens always bring me back to the pleasant days of childhood, and I was just enjoying a real heartsome visit to the old home at Delmer... and was chasing Willie Fewster around a straw-stack... when the farmer's dog, an interfering, vicious-looking brute, came peering through the woods and gave us heart spasms, barking at us for a few minutes.