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Under the influence of this affectionate act, a number of the warriors ran off, fetched their gods, and threw them on the temple floor. Then Ongoloo, seizing a brand from the fire, thrust it into the loose cocoa-nut fibre, and set the pile in a blaze. Quickly the flames leaped into the temple thatch, and set the whole structure on fire.

In response to this flattering remark George gurgled. "Why," said the other, with an uneasy laugh, "did you think I was dead, George? Ha, ha! Feel that!" He fetched the horrified man a thump in the back, which stopped even his gurgles. "That feel like a dead man?" asked the smiter, raising his hand again. "Feel" The mate moved back hastily.

"You're all right up on the Toft. 'Member the big flood, squire?" "Ay, fifteen years ago, Tallington, when I came down to you in Hickathrift's duck-punt, and we fetched you and Tom's mother out of the top window." "Ay, but it weer a bad time, and it's a good job we don't hev such floods o' watter now." "Ay 'tis," said the squire. "My word, but the sea must bite to-night.

She made a bread-soup as well as she possibly could, and when it was done, she fetched her gold ring from her little room, and laid it in the tureen in which the soup was to be served up. When the dance was ended, the King had his soup brought to him and ate it, and it was so good that he thought he had never tasted such soup in his life.

The difference of words supplies a second argument; nobody applies to mere threads the word 'piece of cloth, or vice versa. A third argument rests on the difference of effects: water is not fetched from the well in a lump of clay, nor is a well built with jars. There, fourthly, is the difference of time; the cause is prior in time, the effect posterior.

For many hours the wind blew easterly, but at three in the afternoon it shifted to the south and gave the enemy the weather gauge. In tacking we fetched within gunshot of the sternmost of them, and for half an hour or so we kept up a brisk bombardment; but our line was still much out of order, and some of our ships being even now three miles astern, nothing more could be done.

Captain Carter saw him to bed, came downstairs to the parlour again, and spread himself on the sofa for forty winks; for between the boat dodging out to sea and the pack-horses waiting ready up at Trenowl's farm above the hill, there was no going to bed for him that night. He had been sleeping maybe for two hours, when a whistle fetched him to his feet and out of the door like a scout.

Suddenly, with a grunt of surprise as if at his forgetfulness, Me Dain sprang up and fetched the wallet which had been slung over his shoulders. He laid it before Mr. Haydon, and began to draw forth a long band of rich, glittering silk. "Why, you've brought U Saw's girdle, Me Dain," said Mr. Haydon.

As much as possible I endeavored to preserve my coolness, and thus we stood looking at one another without making any movement or uttering a word for perhaps ten minutes, when one at last, who seemed to be the leader, gave a sign that they wished for some tobacco; this I signified they should have if they fetched a quantity of cones.

Yea, he put me so to it, that my blood came up in my face; even this Shame fetched it up, and had almost beat me quite off. And I thought again, this Shame tells me what men are; but it tells me nothing what God, or the Word of God is.