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"I am glad your grandfather has brought you out to see the chase to-day, Mabel," observed Morgan Fenwolf. "I dame not to see the chase, but the king," she replied, somewhat petulantly. "It is not every fair maid who would confess so much," observed Fenwolf, frowning. "Then I am franker than some of my sex," replied Mabel.

He then shouted to Fenwolf to call away and couple the hounds, and, striking off the deer's right forefoot with his knife, presented it to Wyat. Several large leafy branches being gathered and laid upon the ground, the hart was placed upon them, and Herne commenced breaking him up, as the process of dismembering the deer is termed in the language of woodcraft.

"He must have learnt the trick from Herne himself in the forest," cried one of the bystanders. Morgan Fenwolf looked fiercely round in search of the speaker, but could not discern him. He, however, shot no more, and refusing a cup of hypocras offered him by Shoreditch, disappeared among the crowd.

"That shot should have brought you a rich reward, friend either from the king's highness or the Lady Anne," remarked Wolsey to the keeper. "It has brought me nothing," rejoined Fenwolf sullenly. "Hum!" exclaimed the cardinal. "Give the fellow a piece of gold, Patch."

Pushing it aside, Fenwolf crept forth, and immediately afterwards Wyat emerged into a grove, through which, on one side, the gleaming waters of the lake were discernible. The keeper's first business was to replace the stone, which was so screened by brambles and bushes that it could not, unless careful search were made, be detected.

Getting up cautiously, and drawing his hunting-knife, the old man crept towards Fenwolf, apparently with the intent of stabbing him, but he suddenly changed his resolution, and dropped his arm. At that moment, as if preternaturally warned, Fenwolf opened his eyes, and seeing the old forester standing by, sprang upon him, and seized him by the throat.

But he was too late. Goaded by Wyat's dagger, the steed dashed furiously on, and plunging with its double burden into the pool at the bottom of the cavern, disappeared. Of the Desperate Resolution formed by Tristram and Fenwolf, and how the Train was laid. Transported with rage at the escape of the fugitives, Fenwolf turned to old Tristram, and drawing his knife, threatened to make an end of him.

"But who is the strange man looking at us from behind that tree, grandfather! "I see no one," replied the old forester. "Neither do I," added Morgan Fenwolf, with a shudder. "You are wilfully blind," rejoined Mabel. "But see, the person I mentioned stalks forth. Now, perhaps, he is visible to you both."

At the close of the latter speech a flash of lightning of such dazzling brilliancy shot down past him, that he remained for some moments almost blinded; and when he recovered his powers of vision the demon had vanished. How Mabel Lyndwood was taken to the Castle by Nicholas Clamp And how they encountered Morgan Fenwolf by the way.

Placing the head on a hunting-pole, Fenwolf withdrew to an open space among the trees, and, halloing to the others, they immediately cast off the hounds, who rushed towards him, leaping and baying at the stag's head, which he alternately raised and lowered until they were sufficiently excited, when he threw it on the ground before them.