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Small black cattle with white faces march in long files across the pastures, or wander through the thickets of bulrushes and papyrus and giant fennel, appearing and disappearing as the screen of broad leaves and trembling plumes close behind them.

'My tools are but common ones, Simple shepherds all My tools are no sight to see: A little hempen string, and a post whereon to swing, Are implements enough for me! Shepherd Fennel glanced round. There was no longer any doubt that the stranger was answering his question rhythmically. The guests one and all started back with suppressed exclamations.

Near the Guardia we find the southern limit of two European plants, now become extraordinarily common. The fennel in great profusion covers the ditch-banks in the neighbourhood of Buenos Ayres, Monte Video, and other towns. I saw it in unfrequented spots in Chile, Entre Rios, and Banda Oriental. Over the undulating plains, where these great beds occur, nothing else can now live.

She felt her difficult circumstances, wondered how she could get the necessary money, “I lay there worrying.” And she claimed she did not sleep at all. About her statement, mentioned by the mother, that she had done something, she said that she thought she had poisoned the child by giving it fennel tea, and that she thought a neighbor who visited her said she had poisoned it.

In this order they move along the crowded streets, which are strewn with fennel, green branches, and leaves.

Josselyn also tells some very pretty ways of cooking fish, especially eels with herbs, showing that, like Poins, the colonists loved conger and fennel. Eels were roasted, fried, and boiled.

The seeds are a peculiar oblong, much broader than long, convex on one side and flat on the other, with five conspicuous ribs. Cultivation is much the same as for common fennel, though owing to the dwarf nature of the plant the rows and the plants may be closer together. The seedlings should be 5 or 6 inches asunder. They are very thirsty things and require water frequently.

And amidst them moved up and down well on to a hundred of the prettiest and most delightful Lavender and Fennel pages, diffusing sweet perfume.

However, the speaker did not move, and directly added, "There's time for one more draught of friendship before I go; and I'd perform it at once if the mug were not dry." "Here's a mug o' small," said Mrs. Fennel. "Small, we call it, though to be sure 'tis only the first wash o' the combs." "No," said the stranger, disdainfully. "I won't spoil your first kindness by partaking o' your second."

Everything which I have said about the country near Maldonado is applicable to Monte Video; but the land, with the one exception of the Green Mount, 450 feet high, from which it takes its name, is far more level. Very little of the undulating grassy plain is enclosed; but near the town there are a few hedge-banks, covered with agaves, cacti, and fennel. We left Monte Video in the afternoon.