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The Superintendent contented himself with gazing after Robert Fenley, who ran along the avenue until clear of the Quarry Wood, when he, too, plunged through the line of elms and was lost to sight. Hilton watched his impetuous brother with a brooding underlook.

Cats, gamekeepers, poachers, and other creatures of predatory and nocturnal habits can find and follow a definite track under such conditions; but detectives are nearly human, and Furneaux was compelled to use the torch more than once. He ran no risk in doing this. Hilton Fenley could not yet be in a position to catch the gleam of light among the trees.

He had the sense to bottle up his anger, at any rate in her hearing; perhaps he reflected that the breaking of the ice would facilitate the subsequent plunge. Far more disturbed in spirit than her dignified repulse of Fenley had shown, Sylvia reëntered the house, passing the odd-looking little detective as she crossed the hall.

"Can't they be stopped?" broke in Furneaux, speaking for the first time. "Yes, of course," and Hilton Fenley became a trifle more animated. "I wanted Farrow to wait till you came, but he insisted said the murderer might be hiding there." "When did Farrow arrive?" "Oh, more than half an hour after my father was shot. I forgot to mention that my mother knows nothing of the tragedy yet.

"It can't be Blake," answered Acton; "he's gone to Fenley to play in a cricket match, and isn't coming back till to-morrow morning. Old Welsby went to bed hours ago; and, besides, what should either of them want to be doing down there at this time of night? You must have been dreaming, Diggy." "No, I wasn't; I saw it distinctly. It must be old Blake.

Hilton Fenley never touched him." "What of Robert? We cleared out, leaving him there alone." "I watched him until the undertaker's men were called back. Up to that time he hadn't moved. Bet you a new hat the men will tell you he never went nearer." "You buy your own new hats," said Winter. "Do you want me to stand you two a day? I'm off to the Yard. I'll look up two lines in town.

Then the two young men mounted the steps, the inference being that Robert Fenley wished to see his father's body before it was removed. A pallor was spreading beneath the glow on the younger Fenley's perspiring face. He was obviously shocked beyond measure. Grief and horror had imparted a certain strength to somewhat sullen features.

An Inspector assured the Superintendent that a constable was on the track of Robert Fenley, and had instructions to report direct to Scotland Yard. Then Winter reëntered the car, and was driven to Headquarters. He was lunching in his own room, frugally but well, on bread and cheese and beer, when the Assistant Commissioner came in. "Ah, Mr. Winter," he said. "I was told you had returned.

Can I have one word with Dr. Stern?" "I'll see, sir," and the chauffeur went to the house. Furneaux had estimated Hilton Fenley correctly in ascribing to him the quality of cold-bloodedness.

I did not rush out instantly to discover the cause. Young ladies sometimes scream at wasps and caterpillars. Then I heard Tomlinson say, 'Fetch Mr. Hilton at once, and I ran into Harris, who blurted out, 'Mr. Fenley has been shot, sir. "After that, I scarcely know what I said or how I acted.