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Owing to the state of open hostility existing between Browne and Staples the archbishop did not regard the latter as a fellow-labourer.

If any inquire concerning Titus, he is my companion and fellow-labourer to you; or our brethren be inquired of, they are the messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ. Therefore shew unto them, and in the presence of the churches, a proof of your love, and of our just boasting in you. NOW concerning the contribution for the saints, it is superfluous for me to write unto you.

The latter, in a letter of November 16, 1524, to Alber, a preacher at Reutlingen, had already disputed the Real Presence, by interpreting the words 'This is my body' to mean 'This signifies my body. In March 1525 he made known this interpretation to the world by publishing his letter, together with a pamphlet 'On the True and False Religion. He was joined at Basle by Oecolampadius, whom Luther had welcomed formerly as a fellow-labourer, and who published his own interpretation of the words of Christ.

Finding his purpose not to be shaken, I asked him if he were aware that I was the author of the defence of the articles? He answered that, seeing the bishop's name to the publication, he could not but suppose the bishop himself had been intimately concerned in the writing of the work: but, from what I had formerly told him, he had suspected me to be a fellow-labourer. 'If so, said I, 'Mr.

No wonder that I've been ever since free from all, even the slightest symptoms of pulmonary indisposition. However, my excruciating torments gained me two things experience, and a new skin. When I had fresh skinned myself and it took me more than a week to do it I found that my fellow-labourer had flown.

We know already how his anxiety about the dangers caused by the separation from the great Catholic Church seemed to tempt him to indulge in questionable concessions, and how it was Luther himself, with a disposition so different to Melancthon's, who nevertheless held firmly to his trust in his friend and fellow-labourer, particularly during the Diet of Augsburg.

Mademoiselle was not engaged either for or for or for &c., &c., &c.; and then out came the little tablets, under the dome of a huge greenhouse filled with the most costly exotics, and Clementina and her fellow-labourer in the cause of Terpsichore went to work to make their arrangements for the evening. And the rest of the party followed them.

Among the new voters in a neighbouring village, a man of very decided views found it puzzling to decide by which candidate they were most nearly represented, and, determined to make no mistake at the poll, he consulted a fellow-labourer, inquiring: "Which way be the big uns a-going, because I be agin they?"

Having paid our bill, we adjourned to the coffee-room, where my fellow-labourer insisted on treating me with a dish, giving me to understand, at the same time, that I had acquired his good opinion, both with respect to my principles and understanding.

But if he believes that God is indeed his "Father in heaven;" that He has goodwill to him, and therefore desires his good by desiring him to be good; that, for the accomplishment of this end, all has been done which is recorded in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation; that God has been working in him, through agencies innumerable, since his childhood, by parents and friends, by tender mercies and bitter chastisements, by Sabbath ordinances and pulpit ministrations, by the constant witness of conscience and the Word of God, in order that he should know and love God his Father, then, seeing this, will he see also how he may be a "fellow-labourer with God."