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Kitty could nut picture them now peopled as they had been in the morning, and her efforts to do so were soon interrupted by a little piteous voice beside her. "My feets do hurt me," said Tony plaintively. "I s'pose I mustn't take off my boots?" "Poor old Tony," cried Dan. "Here, let me carry you," and he hoisted his tired little brother on to his shoulders.

That's where you go, Mister. To Hell. And he cut rope. Down he go, patatrac! round and round in air, like firework wheel, on to first rock pa-pa-pa-paff! Six hundred feets. After that he arrive, all messy, in water. That so, gentlemens. Gone where to? Swim to Philadelphia? I don't think! Him drownded, sure. Ha, ha, ha! Nice old man, when he come home that morning, he laugh. He laugh.

Me go out to kill bird for make dinner, two days back, an' see the moose in one place where hims no can escape but by one way narrow way, tree feets, not more, wide. Hims look to me me's look to him. Then me climb up side of rocks so hims no touch me, but must pass below me quite near. Then me yell horbuble yell!" Me shoot in back of hims head, an' him drop."

Think I wanna throw dat stuff away? No-o, suh!" Mama Duck pushed the dog away from a cracked pitcher on the floor and refilled her fruit-jar. "So day black list me, cause I won't kiss dey feets. I ain kissin nobody's feets wouldn't kiss my own mammy's." "Well, we'd all do lots of things for our mothers that we wouldn't do for anyone else." "Maybe you would, but not me.

Don Carlos Ybarra, the husband de my señora, is very reech and very brave and proud too brave and proud, ay, yi! We have a beeg adobe house with more than twenty rooms, and a corridor for the front more than one hundred feets. Ou'side are plenty other houses where make all the things was need for eat and wear: all but the fine closes. They come from far, from Boston and Mejico.

When I'se littl' I sleeped in a trun'l bed. My mammy wuz mighty 'ticlar an' clean, why she made us chilluns wash ouah feets ebry night fo' we git into de bed." "When Marse Hunt muved up to Charl'stun, my mammy and pappy liv' in log cabin." "My gran' mammy, duz I 'member hur? Honey chile, I shure duz. She wuz my pappy's mammy. She wuz one hun'erd and fo' yeahs ol' when she die rite in hur cheer.

Gim me yer hand, Prue; I'm a big boy, 'n I'm takin' care er you." "Yes, you're taking care of me real good," Prue answered sweetly, "and I love you fer taking me to my Randy, but Hi," she continued, "I'll have to sit down a minute, my feets are so tired." "Oh, there's time 'nough," said Hi. "We'll rest a while, an' then, after we've walked a little ways, fust thing you'll see'll be the deepot.

"I chust come, and vos putting on mine odder coat ven I heard an explosion vich knock me mine feets off, and I rund out like I vos killed, and der whole place was on fire in two seconds already." "Was Larry killed?" asked Frank. Larry was the engineer and porter around the place. "No, he vos out, getting a pite to eat," replied the shipping-clerk.

She trembled in eagerness to express her sympathy. The mourner sat with bowed head, rocking her body heavily to and fro, and crying out in a high, strained voice that sounded like a dirge on some forlorn pipe. "I kin remember when she weared worsted boots an' her two feets was no bigger dan yer t'umb an' she weared worsted boots, Miss Smith," she cried, raising her streaming eyes.

Bofe doin' fust rate, boys; an' den he stepped back in de house, sort o' laughin' to hisse'f, an' in a minute he come out ag'in wid de baby in he arms, all wrapped up in flannens an' things, an' sez, 'Heah he is, boys. All de folks den, dey went up on de poach to look at 'im, drappin' dey hats on de steps, an' scrapin' dey feets ez dey went up. You are to be his boy from dis time.