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The covert was a large, circular enclosure, crammed to the very top of its girdling bank with furze-bushes, bracken, low hazel, and stunted Scotch firs. Its primary idea was woodcock, its second rabbits; beaters were in the habit of getting through it somehow, but a ride feasible for fox hunters had never so much as occurred to it.

The route up through the dome was the only feasible one now. This range mechanism of the projector was reasonably familiar, and I felt that I could operate it. The range-finder and the switch were on a ledge at one of the windows. I rushed to it. As I swung the telescope, training it down on Miko's lights, I could see the huge projector on the deck swinging similarly.

We shall give such assistance as is feasible to the recently renewed effort of Western European nations to achieve a greater measure of integration, such as in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy. In the Near East we shall spare no effort in seeking to promote a fair solution of the tragic dispute between the Arab States and Israel, all of whom we want as our friends.

This, in my judgment, was the only feasible plan, and subsequent information and results confirmed my judgment. On the morning of the 22d the Army commenced to disembark at Baiquiri.

That may do very well in a German tragedy; and the Great Mogul might have found it very feasible in his lodgings at Kensington; but it will not do in Lincolnshire. Will you have Miss Toobad? 'Yes. 'And renounce Marionetta? 'No. 'But you must renounce one. 'I cannot. 'And you cannot have both. What is to be done? 'I must shoot myself. 'Don't talk so, Scythrop. Be rational, my dear Scythrop.

It is in vain to leave this to the Reader's imagination: to form any kind of hypothesis that will render these propositions feasible, he must cudgel his brains sore, and to do it without, he must have such brains as no reader ever had before him. Why should I put them either to trial or to torture? 'Tis my own affair: I'll explain it myself.

Go at once and verify the same and report of condition of gas generators and make analyses of output of the same. Evidently I was Karl Armstadt and very happily a chemical engineer by profession. My task of impersonation so far looked feasible I could talk chemical engineering. The next paper I proceeded to examine was an identification folder done up in oiled fabric.

They are never filled, and the fact of supplying them with water is practicably feasible. In many districts of the inland slope, the rivers have sandy beds, incapable of retaining the water for more than a few months; whilst running parallel with them on either side, are chains of lagoons that often run dry through the floods not being excessive enough to overflow the banks.

The idea is not feasible; so we must think of something else." "I do not know what to think," replied Alfred; "and the probability is, that if I even did, you would find some objection to its performance." "That is true," answered Harry, laughing, "and I accept the reproach in the spirit it is given.

"I think it will simply ruin the paper," replied Clark promptly. He was gathering up his bewildered senses, and began to remonstrate, "Why, it isn't feasible to run a paper nowadays on any such basis. It's too ideal. The world isn't ready for it. You can't make it pay. Just as sure as you live, if you shut out this prize fight report you will lose hundreds of subscribers.