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P'r'aps I'm dreamin', as Inspector Chown an' Constable Lamacraft be walkin' in the gate this instant moment!" But there was no mistaking this fact. Abraham Chown entered, marched solemnly to the party at the door, cried "Halt!" to his subordinate, then turned to Mr. Lyddon. "Good-day to you, Miller," he said, "though 't is a bad day, I'm fearin'. I be here for Will Blanchard, alias Tom Newcombe."

"Ay," said their spokesman. He wore a magnificent iron-grey beard powdered with saw-dust; and he carried a gigantic pair of shoulders, but rheumatism had contracted them to a permanent stoop. "Ay, I'm no fearin' about the pay. You'll be the rich man, the Collector from Boston." Ruth was startled. She had supposed herself to be travelling deep into the wilderness.

You was to 've died by ax-ident las' night, but the new visitor thet's dropped in on us ain't cut 'is turkey teeth yet, an' his mother Lord, how that name sounds! Mother! I hardly know 'er by it, long ez I been tryin' to fit it to 'er an' fearin' to, too, less'n somethin' might go wrong with either one.

In came the doctor, and wi' him a nurse, all starched and clean. "Weel, Jamie, an' hoo are the patients the day? None so braw, Annie, I'm fearin'. 'Tis a hard thing, my lassie, but the best in the end. We'll hae ye on yer feet again in no time the noo, and ye can gie yer man a bonnier bairn next time! It's glad I am ye'll let me tak' the wean and care for him." Annie could not answer.

"He 'as though," said Sam. "Well, then, I 'ope the gemman's fond o' walkin'," exclaimed Jack, bustin' out a laughin' and runnin' on. 'This rayther set me a thinkin', continued Mr. Buckram, dropping a second half-crown, which jinked against the nest-egg one left at the bottom, 'and fearin' that Mr. 'Ah! well, I bought him of Mr. Sponge, who said he got him from Lord Bullfrog, interrupted Mr.

You got a kind streak in ye, Dave Harum, if you did send me this here note but I s'pose ye know your own bus'nis," she added with a sigh of resignation. "I ben fearin' fer a good while 't I couldn't hold on t' that prop'ty, an' I don't know but what you might's well git it as 'Zeke Swinney, though I ben hopin' 'gainst hope that Charley 'd be able to do more 'n he has."

"I was just fearin' you'd be wantin' me along, sir. Kwaque, you take 'm my fella dunnage belong me, put 'm in other fella boat along other side." While Kwaque obeyed, the mate sounded the well for the last time, reporting three feet and a half, and the lighter freightage of the starboard boat was tossed in by the sailors.

'Well, I want this dhraggin to be killed, says the king. 'It will be no throuble in life to you; and I am only sorry that it isn't betther worth your while, for he isn't worth fearin' at all; only I must tell you, that he lives in the County Galway, in the middle of a bog, and he has an advantage in that.

They feared the whip, but no fear of it could induce them to advance farther, in the face of the storm, upon the unstable ice. "What can we do now?" asked Charley in an appealing tone. "I'm not knowin' what's ailin' the dogs," answered Toby rather uncertainly. "I can't make un go ahead, and we can't bide here, whatever. I'm fearin' with the way the ice heaves she's gone abroad at the narrows.

I'm thinkin' though I were crossin' two meshes with the men in the night, and I've only been crossin' one goin' back to-day. I'm fearin' I'll never be able to cross un though, when I comes to the next un." Presently, as Jamie had thought would be the case, he came to another marsh.