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'Well, I can't say but there's good in that fancy. To have any spot of your own, however small freehold, I mean must be a comfort. At the same time, what's the world for, if you're to meet it in that half-hearted way? I don't mean that every young man there are exceptions must sow just so many bushels of avena fatua.

If he were the god Fatuus of whom we have already made mention, the husband of the goddess Fatua, his father would be Good Day, and his grandmother Good Even. Panurge. If all fools paced, albeit he be somewhat wry-legged, he would overlay at least a fathom at every rake. Let us go toward him without any further lingering or delay; we shall have, no doubt, some fine resolution of him.

Recuerdo muy bien que en otros tiempos, y no muy lejanos, los mismos temores y sobresaltos se habían abrigado contra la instrucción superior de la mujer. ¡Que ridículo, se decía, qué ridículo que la mujer aprenda Historia, Matemáticas, Filosofía y Química que no sólo no puede digerir su escaso cerebro sino que la llenaría de presunción y soberbia convirtiéndola en una especie de criatura híbrida, sin gracia y sin fuerza, intolerable y fatua, con mollera hermosa pero vacía y corazón grande pero seco!

In the lecture on the selection of elementary species, closely analogous cases were described. One of them was the wild oat or Avena fatua which rapidly supplants the cultivated oats in bad years in parts of the fields. Other instances were the experiments of Risler with the "Galland" wheat and the observation of Rimpau on "Rivett's bearded" wheat.

The wild oat, Avena fatua, is very common in Europe from whence it has been introduced in the United States. In summers which are unfavorable to the development of the cultivated oats it may be observed to multiply with an almost incredible rapidity. It does not contribute to the harvest, and is quite useless.