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Commend me to him, and I commend myself to you. "Your MICHAEL ANGELO BUONARROTA, in Rome. "The 23 day of February, 1556." Was ever servant loved after this fashion by his master? Urbino appointed Michael Angelo as one of his executors, and the old man fulfilled his irksome duties with fidelity. Urbino’s brother was Raphael’s well-known pupil Il Fattore.

"Everything," she would answer another time, "is making me happy." "I think I am happiness," she said once. How could she naturally be other than happy, seeing she came of happiness! "Il lieto fattore," says Dante; "whose happy-making sight," says Milton. Mr. Wylder went and dined with sir Wilton and lady Ann. The latter did her poor best to please him, and was successful.

Thereupon he made his will: and first, like a good Christian, he sent his mistress out of the house, leaving her the means to live honourably. Next, he divided his possessions among his disciples, Giulio Romano, whom he had always loved dearly, and the Florentine Giovanni Francesco, called Il Fattore, with a priest of Urbino, his kinsman, whose name I do not know.

And, in particular, Giulio Romano and Giovan Francesco, called Il Fattore, disciples of Raffaello da Urbino, having praised him not a little to their master, roused in him a desire to know Perino and to see his works in drawing; which having pleased him, and together with his work his manner, his spirit, and his ways of life, he declared that among all the young men that he had known, Perino would attain to the highest perfection in that art.

Grazia insolita del sommo Fattore!" died away to a murmurous underflow of sound, perhaps a tongue or two was thrust into a cheek or two, perhaps a bare shoulder shrugged or one shock-head wagged to another. The air was sharp, beds still warm whose business was it? The street was left to the rats and snuffing dogs again.

Neagongo's fattore is old Shimbah, an ignoble aspect with a "kink in his leg;" Mashel or Machela, a corruption of the Portuguese Maciel, died about two months aeo: we shall see him disembarked for burial at Boma. It is evident that the slavers were wrong not to keep hulks like those of the Bonny River; health would have gained, and the procedure might have modified negro "sass."