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Old Onucz rushed towards Anicza and angrily tore her away: "You little fool, be off!" cried he, "you will spoil the machine, it is not for the likes of you." But Fatia Negra now picked up the ducat which had fallen to the ground and showed it with a smile to Anicza: "Look," said he, "there is now a double picture on it." The girl turned it curiously between her fingers.

"The moon flooded the valley with its light; the whole course of the struggle was plainly visible. "As soon as Juon Tare perceived that his antagonist was foolhardy enough to try a fall with him, he complacently allowed his body to be encircled and calmly murmured: 'Ho, ho! then you would wrestle with me, eh, Fatia Negra! Very well, be it so!

Fatia Negra gave her ten ducats for the poison, but the old woman's conscience would not allow her to rest, and the next day she brought the ducats to me for the church's needs, as she put it, and would I help her to relieve her soul of the heavy burden which oppressed it. And what now if Fatia Negra, contrary to his oath, were to make use of this poison against his fellow-men?"

For an instant Fatia Negra was taken aback by his antagonist's unexpected wariness and courage, but the next moment his drawn yataghan flashed in his hand and the second flash was the clash of the contending weapons. And now happened what happens hundreds and thousands of times in actual life.

As the girl raised the cross and put it down again reverse ways, a mechanical involuntary jolting motion of her arms was discernible, though her face betrayed nothing. An electrical machine hidden beneath the altar was the cause of this shock. "Well?" enquired Fatia Negra as she returned to her place.

He himself stood in the centre a little in advance of the rest; the civilians were in the rear. Presently single shapes were discernible through the approaching cloud of dust. The robbers were galloping along in no regular order with intervals of from ten to twenty yards between each one of them. More than a thousand yards in front of his comrades galloped Fatia Negra.

The others tried to find a refuge in the aqueduct running through the cavern, but the pursuing alcohol rushed after them like a living cataract of fire. Everyone seemed bound to perish at this hellish marriage feast. Only two people did not lose their presence of mind; only two knew what ought to be done, and one of these was Fatia Negra.

The girl drew from her bosom the defaced ducat she had just received together with the crucifix. "Hearken, Fatia Negra! my father says that this badly coined piece of gold places your life in my hand. And know, besides, Fatia Negra, that I have sworn on this Crucified One here that if ever you betray me I will kill you in my fury without thinking twice about the how or where.

"No more than Fatia Negra deserves," replied Mr. Gerzson with a sombre grimace. "Is your wife up and dressed?" "I fancy she lay down ready dressed." "All the better. It'll be as well if we start early." "I hear the opening and closing of doors in her apartments, no doubt your ringing disturbed her. She will be here in an instant, for she is very impatient." "That is only natural."

It was Fatia Negra! this was Fatia Negra's house! And this was not all. Close upon the traces of Fatia Negra rushed another phantom with a drawn sword in its hand, but its face was towards her and she recognized in it Szilard Vamhidy. And yet she did not lose her consciousness at this double sight of terror, though it would have been much better for her if she had.