United States or Mayotte ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"First Sundays and holidays, Mass thou shalt sartinly hear; "Second All holidays sanctificate throughout all the whole year. "Third Lent, Ember days, and Virgins, thou shalt be sartain to fast; "Fourth Fridays and Saturdays flesh thou shalt not, good, bad or indifferent, taste. "Fifth In Lent and Advent, nuptial fastes gallantly forbear.

De marster was de Honorable Mister Gabriel Shields hisse'f. Ever'body knowed 'bout him. He married a Surget. "Dem Surgets was pretty devilish; for all dey was de riches' fam'ly in de lan'. Dey was de out-fightin'es', out-cussin'es', fastes' ridin', hardes' drinkin', out-spendin'es' folks I ever seen. But Lawd! Lawd! Dey was gent'men even in dey cups.

In the original the word is 'fastes'. I think M. Bourget meant to suggest that he expected to find the great "American soul" secreted behind the ostentatious of Newport; and that he was going to get it out and examine it, and generalize it, and psychologize it, and make it reveal to him its hidden vast mystery: "the nature of the people" of the United States of America.

Atlanta is the fastes' growin' city in the South, an' Atlanta is jes' full o' men whose folks weren't much more'n 'Crackers. The po' white, in a few years, is goin' to be only a memory like the backwoodsman o' the time o' Dan'l Boone." "That promises well for the South," said Hamilton.