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Casey Ryan, with his mouth half open and his eyes rather wild, furtively opened the door behind him. Still meeting fixedly the dull glare of the old woman's eyes, Casey slid out through the door and fastened it hastily behind him.

Dunn stood in the circle gathered to admire, watching Cameron's performance of that graceful and intricate Highland dance, all unconscious of a pair of bright blue eyes fastened on his face that reflected so manifestly the grief and pain in his heart. "And wherefore this gloom?" said a gay voice at his side. It was Miss Bessie Brodie. Poor Dunn!

They were ascending the current, and pushing their "tows" of two, four, and six long, wide coal-barges fastened in pairs in front of them. How the pilots of these stern-wheel freighters managed to guide these heavily loaded barges against the treacherous current was a mystery to me.

Alice More behaved as usual when he got there: she had a genius for the obvious; commented on the weariness of living in one room, the distress at the thought that one was fastened in at the will of another; deplored the plainness of the prison fare, and the folly of her husband in refusing an oath that she herself and her children and the vast majority of the prominent persons in England had found so simple in accepting.

She told me she had once been mad and ran into the woods, where she contrived to elude discovery for some time, but was at last tracked and brought back, when she was tied up by the arms and heavy logs fastened to her feet, and was severely flogged.

At length Moses forced his way through the crowd, followed by one of the natives, who led a large dog by a line fastened round its neck. "What's the matter, Moses? what's wrong?" cried Stanley. "Oh, not'ing at all," replied Moses, casting a look of pity at his countrymen. "Dem are great gooses.

To avoid exposing himself to fresh suspicion, he must conquer his timid delay, and he had already stooped and loosed the loop which fastened the curtain to the hook in the floor, when the door of the lighted room opened and a woman's figure entered the dark central chamber. Was it she? Should he venture to speak to her? Yes, it must be done.

Therefore the suggestion appeared a sound one more especially so because the cook had most solemnly declared that she had fastened it securely before going up to bed. In that case someone must have crept down and unfastened it after the woman had retired, and done so with the object of assisting the assassin.

I am therefore to hear your explanation disposed." His grey eyes fastened sternly on the maestro. But the latter was prepared, for he had long foreseen that the count would one day be disposed to hear an explanation, as he expressed it. "It is quite true," repeated De Pretis. "The young man was very poor, and desired to support himself while he was studying music.

Then, dismounting, Wilbur tied his horse to the foot of the tree, tied him as securely as he knew how, for the animal was snorting in fear at being thus fastened up when the smoke was over his head and the smell of the fire was in his nostrils.