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I was just noticin' that they was chained and locked when the Lieutenant gives me a nudge and pulls me along by the coat sleeve. I gets a glimpse of the square-built female waddlin' around the corner of the house. We passes by innocent and hangs up in front of a plumbery shop, starin' in at a fascinatin' display of one bathtub and a second-hand hot-water boiler.

"But I always borrow some youngsters for my poor widow act when I think I'm being shadowed; so you needn't get peeved." "Of course not. How silly of him!" I puts in. "There, Steele, that's all straightened out, and here is the original Josie Vernon. What have you got to suggest?" He stares at me blank, and then takes another look at Mrs. Shaw. I'll admit she wa'n't a fascinatin' sight.

She said she got onto the right car and the conductor wuz a dretful handsome and fascinatin' man, and she went to git off at the right street, and kinder backed off, she always duz git off that way, and the conductor thinkin' she wanted to git on, he smiled so sweet and held out his hand to help her on so she would git on again. And that happened over and over.

Never was cut out to play the lead in a quiet domestic sketch. Not with his temperament and habits. Hardly. Besides, he was well along in his sporty career when he discovered this 19-year-old pippin with the trustin' blue eyes and the fascinatin' cheek dimples. But you can't tell a bad egg just by glancin' at the shell, and she didn't stop to hold him in front of a candle.

He had adopted the habit, of late, of going up to pay his respects in that quarter after every business interview in the shop. Bessie pretended to look upon the predilection for her society as presumption on George Boult's part. "A man as old as my own father!" she often said to Emily, with whom she had many confidences. "All the more reason for him to come fascinatin' round you," Emily declared.

"That's fascinating work," she said at length. He flipped a fresh dab of mortar to place and replied, "You might think so lookin' on but no work is fascinatin' when you've had too much of it. I've laid enough stone to last me a lifetime." "What else had you rather do?" "Oh," he said, pausing a moment to wipe the sweat from his face with the back of his shirt-sleeve, "'Most anything at times!

As she goes upstairs, Arthur Montmorency that's his name holds both hands to his heart and says, 'She and she only shall be my bride. The conclusion of this highly fascinatin' and absorbin' romance will be found in the next number of The Housewife's Companion." "Mother," suggested Roger, "why don't you subscribe for the papers yourself?"