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"I would gie five shillin' if the man could hear his ain judgment!" murmured the Chief Medical Officer; for he had gleaned from a whispered answer of Julius's the omnipotent name of Sir Jedbury Fargoe. "Toch!" He chuckled dryly. Saxham went on: "The consulting patient suffers from cough, painful and racking, from impaired digestive power, from increasing debility, fever, and night-sweats.

Possibly a very remote possibility the disease may have already attacked some organ of his body! But and upon this point I can take my stand with the confidence of absolute certainty the lungs of this so-called pulmonary sufferer are absolutely sound!" "My certie! Send I may live to foregather wi' Sir Jedbury Fargoe!" the Chief Medical Officer prayed inaudibly.

"I wad gie him the chance, Saxham" this from Surgeon-Major Taggart "in your place; and maybe I'm putting in six worrds for mysel' as well as half a dozen for the patient. For I have an auld bone to pyke wi' Sir Jedbury Fargoe, aboot a Regimental patient he slew for me, three years back, wi' his jawbone of a Philistine ass." Saxham spoke to Fraithorn authoritatively, kindly.

Give me the loan of your fist, man, this minute." "What price Sir Jedbury Fargoe the noo? The auld-farrant, scraichin', obstinate grey gander. A hand I will tak' at him ower the head o' this, or I'm no Taggart of Taggartshowe. Speaking wi' seriousness, Saxham, it was a pretty operation, an' performed wi' extraordinary quickness.