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His attitude is perfect, and so is hers. The firmament is not to be shaken, but Annibale is not a farceur, nor his Blessed One absurd. Mysteries are all about us. Some are for the eschatologist and some for the shepherd; some for Patmos and some for the podere.

I happened, at the moment, to be thinking that in the lowest class of dramatic performances, or rather of productions destined to be represented on the stage, perhaps those should be included in which some clever farceur mystifies and befools some good uncle a theatre director, or some such person.

The world knows by this time that creation is an empty jest; we are all beginning to understand its bathos! And if we must grant that there is some mischievous supreme Farceur who, safely shrouded in invisibility, continues to perpetrate so poor and purposeless a joke for his own amusement and our torture, we need not, for that matter, admire his wit or flatter his ingenuity!

Again, had not Pope, in conjunction with the Dean, his occasional unbending also as a farceur, in the wilder freaks and oddities of Martinus Scriblerus?

There are at least two sides to all questions, and so long as they are reasonably presented one is glad to hear them even if they fail to convince, but when a farceur is allowed to occupy three whole pages usually filled by serious and interesting writers it seems time to protest. The subject itself is not one for easy paradox or false and flippant epigram. Mr.

He seemed perfectly contented, ate an excellent dinner, stayed till very late in the night, talked, joked, and finally, sitting down at the piano, played and sang. He was by turns a farceur, a wit, a man of emotion, a man with a touch of genius. And in everything he said and did he was almost preposterously unreserved. He seemed to be child, monkey and artist in combination.

I, Moâ the Bonze, tell you this ere it be too late to repent your sins and forswear your false gods. The Galilean is our master.... "Farceur! Do you know what I would do with that accursed fan? I'd destroy it, sell it, get rid of it somehow. Or else " Effinghame scrutinized the doctor, whose eyes were closed "or else I would return to the pious practices of my old religion."

She smiled politely, and soon I heard her whispering to her husband: "I had him there, eh? Quel farceur!" "Yes. You caught him nicely, I must say. But one must not be too hard on these poor devils. They have got to earn their bread somehow." This will never do. Italiam petimus.... Levanto

As I before observed, my connection especially lies among the improvident among those who will be ruined who are being ruined and who have been ruined. To the last class belongs Francis Fisherton, once a gentleman, now without a shilling or a principle; but rich in mother-wit in fact, a farceur, after Paul de Kock's own heart.

The street lamps were lighting up, and still the two detectives watched on the other side of the road. "Where is Sylvestre?" I at last inquired, to break the tense silence. "Who knows? He left about half-an-hour ago, saying he would soon be back. He is off on some madcap expedition, you may be sure. He is a dreadful farceur."