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She was indeed a pretty creature: her lovely black eyes, long eyelashes, and raven hair, betrayed a symptom of Moorish blood, at the same time that her ancient family-name and high good-breeding gave her the envied appellation of Vieja Christiana. This fair creature was pleased to bestow a furtive glance of approbation on my youthful form and handsome dress. My vanity was tickled.

I wotna the name of the wynd, but it's right anent the mickle kirk yonder; and your honour will mind, that we pass only by our family-name of simple Mr. Nigel Olifaunt, as keeping ourselves retired for the present, though in Scotland we be called the Lord Nigel." "It is wisely done of your master," said the citizen. "I will find out your lodgings, though your direction be none of the clearest."

I am not free to tell his family-name. He is said to be of London, for safety' sake; but he really lives in the county next adjoining this. 'Where in the next county? 'I do not know. He has preferred not to tell me, that I may not have the secret forced from me, to his and my hurt, by bringing the marriage to the ears of his kinsfolk and friends. Her brother's face flushed.

Osmond's diminutive daughter had a kind of finish that was not entirely artless. "You'd have liked a few things from the Uffzi and the Pitti that's what you'd have liked," said Madame Merle. "Poor Osmond, with his old curtains and crucifixes!" the Countess Gemini exclaimed: she appeared to call her brother only by his family-name.

After closing, with filial piety, a father's eyes, they are chased from the paternal roof, to make room for the first-born, the son, who is to carry the empty family-name down to posterity; though, occupied with his own pleasures, he scarcely thought of discharging, in the decline of his parent's life, the debt contracted in his childhood. My mother's conduct led me to make these reflections.

I began to have a mysterious presentiment which, in view of the calisthenics, I could not explain that we might be not unadapted to each other. In any case, the lady's fine family-name was a recommendation that I knew how to appreciate.

It was a stern and terrible trial for a man of acute sensibility, and not without force of intellect and will, and the manly ambition for himself and his family-name which belonged to his endowments and his position. Passive endurance is the hardest trial to persons of such a nature. What made it still more a long martyrdom was the necessity for bearing his cross in utter loneliness.

She was indeed a pretty creature: her lovely black eyes, long eyelashes, and raven hair, betrayed a symptom of Moorish blood, at the same time that her ancient family-name and high good-breeding gave her the envied appellation of Vieja Christiana. This fair creature was pleased to bestow a furtive glance of approbation on my youthful form and handsome dress. My vanity was tickled.

He belonged to the Twentieth Massachusetts; the Lieutenant saw that he was a Captain, by the two bars on his shoulder-strap. His name was my family-name; he was tall and youthful, like my Captain. At four o'clock he left in the train for Philadelphia. Closely questioned, the Lieutenant's evidence was as round, complete, and lucid as a Japanese sphere of rock-crystal.

It was a stern and terrible trial for a man of acute sensibility, and not without force of intellect and will, and the manly ambition for himself and his family-name which belonged to his endowments and his position. Passive endurance is the hardest trial to persons of such a nature. What made it still more a long martyrdom was the necessity for bearing his cross in utter loneliness.