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If Falconnet has got his marching orders you may be sure he's tried by hook or crook to play 'safe bind, safe find, with Madge. By heaven! 'twas that she was afeard of, and we are here too late! Come on!" With that he faced about and ran; and forgetting to loose his grip on my arm, took me with him till I broke away to have my sword hand free.

There was a muttered oath from Falconnet, a tremulous cry of rage from where her father stood; and then I sought my lady's eyes to read my sentence in them. She gave me but a glance, and though I tried as I had never tried before to read her meaning it was hid from me.

Is there not strife enough in this unhappy land without these causeless bickerings?" Here was my lady turned preacher all in a breath and I with no words to answer her. But I could not let it go thus. "I knew Sir Francis Falconnet in England," said I, hoping by this to turn her safe aside. "Ah; then there was a cause. Tell it me." "Nay, that I may not."

I knew that Falconnet was waiting for the powder cargo, but another matter crowded this aside. "But but Margery?" I queried, on sharpest tenter-hooks to know how much or little he had heard. I thought his brow darkened at the question, but mayhap it was only a shadow cast by the flickering fire. At any rate, he laughed hardily. "She is well and well content, I dare swear.

A more urgent summons here forced Berenger away, and his repetition of the same question received much the same answer from deaf old Captain Falconnet.

Moreover, if this be Francis Falconnet whom I have seen, your sweetest revenge on him will be to let him live as he is." "I will kill him as I would a wild beast," I raged, thinking of that midnight scene in the great forest when my sweet lady had gone on her knees to this fiend in human guise. "And so should you," I added, "if you care aught for the honor of the woman who loves you."

But from his point of view there was no danger threatening her save that which she seemed willing enough to rush upon a life of titled misery as Lady Falconnet. I saw how he would see it; saw, too, that his was the saner summing of it up. And yet He broke into my musings with a pointed question. "What say you, Jack?

Then they saw Falconnet presenting the tall auxiliary who had been so valuable to him, his gesture as he pointed up to the window, and the King's upward look, as he doffed his hat and bowed low, while Eustacie responded with the most graceful of reverences, such as reminded Philip that his little sister-in-law and tender nurse was in truth a great court lady.

Falconnet, taking in with his eye the numbers of the succouring party, thought the Duke would allow the besiegers to depart unmolested, but remembered with a sigh that young king had come to meddle in their affair! However, it was needful to go down and marshal the men for the reception of the new-comers, or to join in the fight, as the case might be.

The men had laid their arms aside and were sprawling at their ease; and while the arch scoundrel was in the gaming mood, Margery had less to fear from him. I said as much to Dick, and for answer he pointed to the flask of usquebaugh which was at that moment making the round of the loo players. "I know Frank Falconnet better than you do, Jack, for I have known him later.