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That couldn't offset our show-up, though, and the whole situation had become so mixed that the public thought all of the elephants were fakes. We had the only genuine one and the best fake also, but they were a pair of white elephants in every sense of the term, and a losing proposition.

"You mean he he fakes it?" "Well he calls it 'editing." "But, my dear girl, you can't edit folk-lore!" "Father can." "But but it isn't done! Such material loses all value if not authentic." "Does it?" The question was indifferent. So indifferent, in the face of a matter of such moment, that Hamilton Spence writhed upon his couch. Here at least there was room for genuine missionary work.

"Poor Flora and when she tried so hard to quiet her conscience because she had so much money! But YOU know how that was. YOU helped her out of that scrape. And she's so grateful! She told me yesterday that she hardly ever gets a begging letter now." "No; and those she does get she investigates," asserted Mr. Smith. "So the fakes don't bother her much these days.

Choose well between them and both shall be yours, but well, I don't need to tell you the rest. But this is my choice, see? And so, of course " "Oh, do you believe in those people?" she inquired incredulously, "I thought " "But not this one!" spoke up Denver stoutly, "I know that the most of them are fakes. But this Mother Trigedgo, she's a regular seeress and it's all come true, every word!

Did the same man wander about forging, or was telepathy at work, or do forging wits jump? The Breonio controversy is undecided; "practised persons" can not "read the antiquities as easily as print," to quote Mr. Read. They often read them in different ways, here as fakes, there as authentic. M. Boulle, reviewing Dr.

And so he puts in his time hoping for a wound that will be "cushy" enough not to discommode him much and that will be bad enough to swing Blighty on. Sometimes when he wants very much to get back he stretches his conscience to the limit and it is pretty elastic anyhow and he fakes all sorts of illness. The M.O. is usually a bit too clever for Tommy, however, and out and out fakes seldom get by.

This, however, was really not the advantage it seemed, for the newspaper advertisements were a cause of much loss of precious time and of many weary journeys. A full half of these were "fakes," put in by the endless variety of establishments which preyed upon the helpless ignorance of the unemployed.

And, as I was about to say, you can have any claim I've got for eight hundred dollars cash." "Well, I'll tell you," confided Big Boy, moving closer to Old Bunk and lowering his voice mysteriously, "I know you'll think I'm crazy, but there's something to that stuff. Maybe we don't understand it, and of course there's a lot of fakes, but I got this from Mother Trigedgo.

"Yes, sir." "Well, by the great trawl hook! And I didn't know it!" "No, sir. Remember we came up behind the Nettie B., and when you were transferred you were made to sit facing away from this ship so you would not recognize her." "Then all the guns were fakes, and the whole business of a man-of-war as well?" cried Code, astonished almost out of his wits by this latest development in his fortunes.

You know dem cups and saucers vat I bought off dot olt vomans who came up from Baltimore? Do you know dot two of 'em is vorth more as ten dollars? He find dot out joost as soon as he pick 'em up, and he find out about my chairs, and vich vas fakes and vich vas goot. Vot you tink of my givin' him a job takin' my old cups and my soup tureens and stuff and go sell 'em someveres?