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Sometimes she would peek in at Mary Faithful's office and baby talk for Steve's edification something like this: "Ise a naughty dirl I is want somebody to play wif me want to be amoosed. Do oo care? Nice, busy lady big brain." Often she would bring a gift for Mary in her surface generous fashion a box of candy or a little silk handkerchief.

Nobly she fought for her master, and victory soon declared in her favour. Reginald, getting on his feet, held the horse of his friend, who, taking a steady aim, sent a shot through the brains of Faithful's antagonist.

The wind had begun to blow strong, and dark clouds were gathering in the sky. The gloomy aspect of Nature suited his feelings. On looking up, he saw his mother and Janet approaching. "Mother has told me, Dick, what has happened," said his sister, as she came up. "I want to stroke Faithful's head once more before you put him into his grave." She stooped down by the side of the dog. "Oh!

Dick, taking up the spade, and having selected a spot for Faithful's grave, began digging away. More than once he stopped and gazed at the animal, feeling unwilling to put it so soon out of sight; then he went on more energetically than before. Having just completed his task, he leaned on his spade, while the tears rolled down his cheeks, as he thought he should never see his dog again.

Asleep!" he cried; and the poor woman with a sob sank as she stood, and lay prone muttering long strings of titles. Before a minute had passed Foster-father and Foster-mother struggled into the circle of light, and after a word of question and reply, sank down also. Then there was a long pause, but no sign came of good Old Faithful's tall, gaunt figure. At last Roy spoke.

"Did ye ever hear how Faithful's lot were murdered by the blacks up on the Merrimerangbong?" "No, but I should like to; is it a ghost story?" "Deed ay, and is it.

So the little prince was carefully watched and guarded, rather to Foster-father's and Old Faithful's relief. Indeed, as time went on they almost forgot to watch themselves, being accustomed to see the sentry walking up and down before the entry to the narrow stairs that led up to the three rooms in the old bastion which were given them as lodgings.

Declining to learn his astral name Steve left Gaylord to mop up the astral vibrations. Beatrice did not mind his absence though he neglected to say that the work was to be done at Miss Faithful's apartment and not at the office. Never having questioned Steve in such details Beatrice merely murmured inwardly that goat tending in one's past strangely enough led to pigheadedness in later life.

As soon as her sister was silent, Miss Faithful's conscience began to chide her for her little evasion. Twice she opened her mouth to speak, and as often checked herself, but the third time the words were uttered: "If I tell you, Sophonisba, you will laugh at me." "Well, that wouldn't kill you, child."

Miss Faithful had sought comfort in her devotions, and was more composed than could have been expected. Neither felt inclined to comment on the recent disturbance. Miss Faithful's health seemed to have received no permanent harm from the sudden shock she had undergone, but she had a nervous dread of being alone, which was a source of some inconvenience to her sister.