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The temperature of the carbon filament is about 3450 degrees Fahr that is to say, the temperature at which platinum melts.

The boom was swinging high and low and from side to side, while the massive bows of the ship smashed through the ice, splitting it across, piling it mass on mass and then shouldering it aside. The air temperature was 37° Fahr., pleasantly warm, and the water temperature 29° Fahr. We continued to advance through fine long leads till 4 a.m. on December 17, when the ice became difficult again.

Fahr., by which time most of the oil, fluid and bright, will have reached the surface. It is skimmed off by a small, long-handled, fine-orificed tin funnel, and is then ready for sale. The last-run rose-water is extremely fragrant, and is much prized locally for culinary and medicinal purposes.

As the mean temperature of the superficial layer of the crust of the earth may be taken at about 50° Fahr., it follows that the bottom layer of the deep sea in temperate and hot latitudes, is, on the average, much colder than either of the bodies with which it is in contact; for the temperature of the earth is constant, while that of the air rarely falls so low as that of the bottom water in the latitudes in question; and even when it does, has time to affect only a comparatively thin stratum of the surface water before the return of warm weather.

The first and last of these temperatures were respectively 42.3 degrees and 46.4 degrees lower than Calcutta, which, with the proper deduction for latitude, allows 508 and 460 feet as equivalent to 1 degree Fahr.

All hands are cheery and busy, and will do their best when the time for action comes. In the meantime we must wait." The ship's position on Sunday, May 2, was lat. 75° 23´ S., long. 42° 14´ W. The temperature at noon wasbelow zero Fahr., and the sky was overcast. A seal was sighted from the mast-head at lunch-time, and five men, with two dog teams, set off after the prize.

The sky, at the time, was wholly overcast; the wind strong, southeast; thermometer 66º Fahr. Taking a favorable position near the mass, as they slowly crawled from the ground, up the blades of grass and stems of clover and small weeds, we noted, first, that they seemed dazed, without any method in their movements, save an ill-defined impression that they must go somewhere.

To obtain uniform colors it is necessary that they be produced slowly, which is attained at temperatures between 135 deg. and 170 deg. Fahr. The copper bath can be used repeatedly and can be kept a long time if bottled up tightly without change.

"The Bisayans cover their teeth with a shining varnish, which is either black, or of the color of fire, and thus their teeth become either black, or red like cinnabar; and they make a small hole in the upper row, which they fill with gold, the latter shining all the more on the black or red ground." Pigafetta, p. 66; and compare also Carletti, Voyages, i. 153. 42 and 30 Cent. or 108 and 86 Fahr.

WITHOUT troubling the public with a description of that portion of the Nile to the north of the first cataract, or with a detailed account of the Egyptian ruins, that have been visited by a thousand tourists, I will commence by a few extracts from my journal, written at the close of the boat voyage from Cairo : "May 8, 1861. No air. The thermometer 104 degrees Fahr.; a stifling heat.