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The progress which he made, therefore, depended on how resolutely he could press forward his ideal in the face of continued opposition.

"Another great battle!" read Letty in the cottage parlor. "Another great battle!" cried David, coming in with the war-horse expression on his face a month or two after he enlisted. The women dropped their work to look and listen; for his visits were few and short, and every instant was precious.

Billy she was managing to keep above water by letting him step along the middle rail, when there was a middle rail. They made long rests, clinging close together. "They ain't ever coming!" sobbed Davy, hopelessly. "I can't go no farther!" Mary Bell managed, by leaning forward, to give him a wet slap, full in the face. The blow roused the little fellow, and he bravely stumbled ahead again.

There was nothing so remarkable in this statement that it should make Polly turn white and then red again. But fortunately the three Camp Fire candles, "Work, Health and Love," were now flickering so that the elder girl could not get a clear vision of the other's face. But instead of appearing pleased over this news Esther seemed disappointed. "I am so sorry, for Betty's sake," she returned.

"You are in love with George Clifton." "What an amount of penetration you have, Dr. Grey!" "You are always with him." "Why should I not be? he is the safest man I know." "I hope your confidence is not misplaced." Maurice turned, and, shading his face with his hand, looked at the setting sun, although he would have required the eye of an eagle to enjoy its brilliancy.

Presently, when he had finished his devotions, the kotwal asked him to explain how he had obtained possession of the princess's necklace. "Call the king hither," he replied, "and then I will tell his Majesty face to face." On this some men went to the king and told him what the fakir had said.

She was silent, but her body went all a-tremble. He stepped forward until she could almost touch him; there standing straight and tall he glared down upon her. "Answer me," he whispered in a voice hard with its tight held sobs. A misery darkened her face and the light died from her eyes, yet she looked at him bravely and her voice came low and full as from afar.

In all the occupations of her life, even amidst the all-absorbing delight of her child's society, she had not been able quite to forget this man. The one voice that had touched her heart, the one face that had haunted her girlish dream, came back to her again and again in spite of herself.

There were the same tawdry ornaments on the mantel-piece, and the same books on the dusty shelf. Nothing was altered except the tenant of that room; but how great a change had taken place in him! What a face the dingy mirror offered him in place of that which it had shown him last!

Till now Rhodopis had been smiling, but when she perceived that Phanes' banishment had to do with his contempt for the sacred animals, her face became more serious.