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At the stair foot Swing gave over the chase and returned to the washbench to resume his face-washing. Racey went on into their room. There was in it several articles belonging to Swing that he intended to throw out of the window at once. But when he had entered the room and the door was closed behind him he did not touch any of Swing's belongings.

"We'll hold him and let Ben do the face-washing." Dick, Tom and Greg had shot past the scene. Now they circled and came back, their faces aglow with the fast sport and the keen air. Hen tried to make for the shore, but got in where the surface of the ice was rough and choppy. Ned Allen and Toby reached out to grasp Hen as they neared him.

The eagle poises over the spot, stretches out its legs, and extends its talons to the utmost; flies down in a series of zig-zags, and with the facial expression of the dirty boy undergoing the torture of face-washing, plunges breast first with outstretched wings with a mighty splash into the water. Disappearing for four or five seconds, it finds it no easy task to rise with a two-pound mullet.

"But it can't come to anything," Hutchinson began to bluster. "It won't do " "He's coming to the door, he's turning the handle," said Little Ann. Tembarom came in. He was fresh with recent face-washing, and his hair was damp, so that a short lock curled and stood up.