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"What can that be?" "It is for Mr. Shasta. He seems quite forgetful this morning." "In what respect?" asked Elwood, who did not see the drift of the Irishman's remarks. "He hasn't had his breakfast, and he must be faaling a wee bit hungry, and be the same token, he must be the victim of great distress, that he hasn't indulged in the use of his pipe."

"His parents have the best raison for faaling proud of so promising a young gintleman." "And so have we." A few moments elapsed, when the Pah Utah reappeared and came back as rapidly as he went. The first thing he did upon reaching the island was again to fasten the boats together, and then motion to the three to enter. This, of course, they did without delay, and took their usual positions.

"My dear sir, I have the greatest affection for yez. The moment I seen yez a qua'ar faaling come over me, and I filt I must come ashore and shake you by the hand. I faals much better." "You don't say?" "That I does. Would yez have the kindness to give me a wee bit of tobaccy?" The sleepy-looking stranger gazed drowsily at him a moment and then made answer: "I'm just smoking the last bit I've got.

"Yes, I am sad enough, too." "Ah! but it is not exactly that be the towken of another faaling intirely." "What is it then?" "Whin it's yourself that is lost and awandtherin' off by yourself all alone, and nobody with yees, then I thinks it's yees that I loves more nor him that stays with me.