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"'So am I, says Jones heartily, not taking in the sense of the words, but feeling that it was all in good intention. So that was all right and I stood in with the management in great shape for fixing up the fuss so pleasant. But it didn't last. They say nothing lasts in this world.

Let me lift your feet up. There! That's better." "Yes." Mildred lay passive. She seemed to think and, in the pause, Miriam's ejaculations changed to sighs that ceased as Mildred said in the sharp tones they welcomed now, "What are you both doing here? Go to bed. Helen, don't fuss. And let us have no more of this wandering about at night."

"Why not get married here?" objected Isabel, practically, "and take the four-thirty into town? There's a minister here, and while you're seeing about it, I can go home and get my coat." "All right, but don't stop for anything else. We've got to hustle. Don't tell anybody." "Not even Aunt Francesca?" "No, she'd make a fuss. And besides, she doesn't deserve it, if she's been mean to you."

I took it from the pocket of my flannel shirt, under my oilskins, and held it out to her. "I have not got very far," I said humbly. "It's not inspiring reading. I've got the wine glasses straightened out, but it seems a lot of fuss about nothing. Wine is wine, isn't it? What difference, after all, does a hollow stem or green glass make " The rain was beating down on us.

The girls think that they are busy, but long after they are asleep at night I am slaving away correcting exercises. Oh such piles of books! it makes me tired even to see them. I'll do what I can for you, but you mustn't expect too much; and after all, in a week or ten days you will have mastered the rules, and the difficulty will be over. You wouldn't make a fuss for one week, would you? Stay!

She'll make such a fuss that the papers will be full of it." "I see." "Wow, any ordinary woman would work in with me. But not Her Nibs. She would call it cheap and degrading and a lot of other things. It's got to be a genuine steal, and, if I'm caught at it, I lose my job. So that's where you come in." "But where am I to keep the jolly old reptile?" "Oh, anywhere.

Before the departure for Moscow, I was brought back to the lodge, but kept as before under the strictest guard. The loss of the 'snug little berth, of which he was being deprived 'thanks to me, increased my stepfather's vindictive rage against me more than ever. 'Why did you make such a fuss? he would say, almost snorting with indignation; 'upon my word!

She really need not make such a fuss of the boy, he had done wrong hi any case; the Braumüller matter must not be forgotten, he ought to have come openly but really, after all, it was only a stupidity, a thing that might happen ninety times out of every hundred. The man resolved to raise his monthly allowance by 100 marks, when he paid him on the first of the month.

"I have knowed it for a long time," said the other cheerfully; "but I heard 'Preachin' Bill' say once, that if a feller don't fuss about what he knows for sure, the things he don't know ain't apt to bother him none. It's this here guessin' that sure gets a man down." "'Preachin' Bill' hits it every pop, don't he?" exclaimed Jim, admiringly. "But there's somethin' else you ought to know, too, Matt.

I made a mistake there. That made her too mad for any use. "Oh," she cried, "I do? I'll jolly well show the gentleman!" "Oh, you needn't take the trouble," I cried. "He's showing you!" She just blazed like she'd break into flame. Any one could fuss with her all right; but that was the last thing on earth I wanted to do.