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Winnie knowed all about the Knockers of Snowdon, the dwarfs o' the copper mine, and this woman, bein' so thick and short, must look ezackly like a Knocker, I should say, if you could see one. I said to the girl, 'Was she really kind to to 'To her you were asking about, the Essex Street Beauty? I should think she just was.

By the time we get to the llyn the colours o' the vapours, what they calls the Knockers' flags, will come out ezackly as they did that mornin' when you and me first went arter Winnie.

"Bitter speeches won't serve 'e, Grimbal; but they show me mighty clear what's hid in you. Your sawl 's torn every way by this thing, an' you turn an' turn again to it, like a dog to his vomit, yet the gude in 'e drags 'e away." "Better cut all that. You won't tell me what you've come for, so I'll tell you. You want me to promise not to move in this matter, is that so?" "Why, not ezackly.

"That ain't nuther here nor there," he said, turning toward Abner and emphasizing his words with the empty mug. "What I asses yew is, wan't them bills good fer suthin wen they wuz fuss printed?" "They wuz wuth suthin fer a wile," assented Abner. "Ezackly," said the other, "that's the nater o' bills.

We don't ezackly make Gawds of our bellies, Dad and I; but there's a difference between that and goin' empty. Ask Pammy!" she added, with a twitch and a grin. "I've heard you say, anyway, that you was afraid Mr Rogers'd go to the naughty place. A dozen times I've heard you say it." "Rats! you never did.

and that 'spresses my feelings for you ezackly, Anne." Around the Bend Thomas Lynde faded out of life as quietly and unobtrusively as he had lived it. His wife was a tender, patient, unwearied nurse.

Now I come to think on't, it's mose likely Mr. Cyril as she's a-goin' to marry, for I know it ain't no Romany chal. It can't be the funny un, added she, laughing. 'But where's the wedding to take place? 'I can't say as I knows ezackly, said Rhona; 'but I thinks it's by Knockers' Llyn if it ain't on the top o' Snowdon. 'Good heavens, girl! I said. 'What on earth makes you think that?

Lord Lord, don't I know it! Seems but t'other day I was a fine man o' thirty odd, an' walkin' under the hawthorns all white wi' bloom, an' my wife that was to be strollin' shy like at my side we was kind o' skeered o' one another, courtin' without knowin' we was courtin' ezackly, an' she 'ad a little blue print gown on an' a white linen sunbonnet I kin see 'er as clear an' plain as I see you, Passon! an' she looks up an' she sez 'Ain't it a lovely day, Joe? An' I sez 'Yes, it's lovely, an' you're lovely too! An' my 'art gave a great dump agin my breast, an' 'fore I knowed it I 'ad 'er in my arms a-kissin' 'er for all I was worth!

"Well, not ezackly," replied the blind man. "I mean that God wants to build you a house whereof the walls shall be goodness: you want a house whereof the walls shall be comfort. But God knows that such walls cannot be built, that that kind of stone crumbles away in the foolish workman's hands.

When the three peaks that she knew so well y Wyddfa, Lliwedd, and Crib Goch stood out in the still grey light she stopped, set down her basket, clapped her hands, and said, 'Didn't I tell you the mornin' was a-goin' to be ezackly the same as then? No mists to-day.