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At the external angle of the eyelid was a fold of conjunctiva which extended 0.5 cm. in front of the conjunctiva, to which it did not adhere, therefore constituting a fourth eyelid. Fano presents a similar case in a child of four months, in whom no other anomaly, either of organs or of vision, was observed.

"And she was smooth and full, as if one gush Of life had washed her, or as if a sleep Lay on her eyelid, easier to sweep Than bee from daisy." BEDDOIS' Pygmalion. "Sche was as whyt as lylye yn May, Or snow that sneweth yn wynterys day." Romance of Sir Launfal. I walked on, in the fresh morning air, as if new-born.

The fairness of the skin, the wavy and even, in some individuals, the curly character of the hair; the regular and comparatively refined features of many individuals; the frequent occurrence of straight and aquiline noses; the comparatively large, horizontal, or only slightly oblique, palpebral aperture; the not infrequent absence of all trace of the Mongolian fold of the eyelid and its slightness when present all these characters point to the predominance of the Caucasic element in the ethnic blend.

She looked at the scene fronting her under a blue sky with slow flocks of clouds: "How I like this!" she exclaimed. "I almost forget that I long for Italy, here." Beyond a plot of flowers, a gold-green meadow dipped to a ridge of gorse bordered by dark firs and the tips of greenest larches. "My father is one of the most wonderful men in the whole world!" Wilfrid lifted an eyelid.

I advanced, in a common sense tone, that, surely, in the matter of marriage a man had only himself to please. Mrs Fyne received this without the flutter of an eyelid. Fyne's masculine breast, as might have been expected, was pierced by that old, regulation shaft. He grunted most feelingly. I turned to him with false simplicity. "Don't, you agree with me?"

To say then, without a quickened pulse or a tremor in the eyelid, or a quiver in the voice, or a falter in the resolution, to say then, 'none of these things move me, if only I may do what I was set to do' that is to be in Christ indeed; and that is the only thing worth living for.

There might have been a little stiffness in the region of the waist, and a slight want of firmness in the eyelid and the chin. Otherwise there was the fiction of five-and twenty, founded in appearance on the fact of five-and-thirty with the truth invisible behind it, counting seventy years!

She was a fair, fine woman, with yellowish flaxen hair and light gray eyes, with a droop in the left eyelid. He noticed those things and fixed them on his mind before she was round at the side of the bed. Speechless, with no expression in her face, with no noise following her footfall, she came closer and closer stopped and slowly raised the knife.

Closer and closer came the red lids over Pete's veritable disfigurement. Involuntarily his great nostrils opened. "Talk up there, Injun," he repeated slowly; and this time his voice was almost gentle. "My name's Sweeney, and I'm speakin' to you. What the devil are you here for?" No answer, not a sound; not even the twitching of an eyelid or a muscle. Ten seconds passed, fifteen.

And yet not a talk at all; a play, rather, in which words count for little and the action is everything: Listening to the toss of a curl or the lowering of an eyelid; answering with a lift of the hand such a strong brown hand, that could pull an oar, perhaps, or help her over dangerous places!