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Down rolled the first big tear. We cry to women; Land, ho! a land of palms after storms at sea; and at once they inundate us with a deluge of eye-water. 'Half a minute, dear Victor, not longer, Nataly said, weeping, near on laughing over his look of wanton abandonment to despair at sight of her tears. 'Don't mind me.

Our President tells me that there was an heirloom of the ancient skill in his family, within his own remembrance, in the form of a certain precious eye-water, to which the late President John Quincy Adams ascribed rare virtue, and which he used to obtain from the possessor of the ancient recipe. These inherited prescriptions are often treasured in families, I do not doubt, for many generations.

He ran up stairs and wrote glowingly, enthusiastically, to his mother about the hogs and the corn, the banks and the eye-water and added a few inconsequential millions to each project. And he said that people little dreamed what a man Col. Sellers was, and that the world would open its eyes when it found out.

Washington dreamed his way along the street, his fancy flitting from grain to hogs, from hogs to banks, from banks to eyewater, from eye-water to Tennessee Land, and lingering but a feverish moment upon each of these fascinations. He was conscious of but one outward thing, to wit, the General, and he was really not vividly conscious of him.

You ought to know that if I throw my time and abilities into a patent medicine, it's a patent medicine whose field of operations is the solid earth! its clients the swarming nations that inhabit it! Why what is the republic of America for an eye-water country? Lord bless you, it is nothing but a barren highway that you've got to cross to get to the true eye-water market!

"Who'll buy my nostrums?" cried the buffoon. "What are they?" asked Folly, cantering near on a hobby horse. "Different kinds for different people. Here's a powder for ladies to dispel the rage for intrigue. Here's a pill for politicians to settle bad consciences. Here's an eye-water for jealous husbands it thickens the visual membrane.

However, little by little the Sellers family cooled down and crystalized into shape, and the poor room lost its glitter and resumed its poverty. Then the youth found his voice and begged Sellers to drop everything and hurry up the eye-water; and he got his eighteen dollars and tried to force it upon the Colonel pleaded with him to take it implored him to do it.

"Have you got bad eyes?" asked the old man derisively. "Will you have some eye-water?" "Father's eye-water no thanks! But this damned light one can't see one's hand before one's face!" "Open your mouth, then, and your teeth will shine!" Jeppe spat the words out. This lighting was always a source of strike between them.