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"'Rill was fullish enough to put the money she'd saved inter a mortgage that pays her only five per cent. An' ter git th' int'rest is like pullin' eye-teeth, and I tell her she never will see the principal ag'in." Mrs. Scattergood neglected to state that she had urged her daughter to put her money in this mortgage.

I aint no speaker, I never made but one speech since I was raised, and that was afore a Slickville legislatur, and then I broke down. I know'd who I was a talkin' afore; they was men that had cut their eye-teeth, and that you could'nt pull the wool over their eyes, nohow you could fix it, and I was young then.

To complete his description, his teeth were large and yellow, while the two eye-teeth, larger than their fellows, showed under his lean lips like fangs. His eyes were yellow and muddy, as though Nature had run short on pigments and squeezed together the dregs of all her tubes.

"Does he ?" he began and paused. I read his meaning. "No," I said. "Um! Knowledge will come like a thunderclap to Jerry. Then look out!" I agreed with him. "But Jerry's amatory ventures are none of your business, Pope," he went on. "Let the boy go the limit. He has got to do it. It won't hurt him. I told you that Marcia would help him cut his eye-teeth.

The lugger got away all right; she is a fast craft, and though the Boxer can walk along in a strong wind, in a light breeze the lugger had the legs of her altogether. That shows you, Mr. Julian, that Captain Downes has cut his eye-teeth, and that it is mighty hard to fool him. He was never nearer making a good capture than he was that night.

"You see, mister, I've been living in New York for three months, now, and I've cut most of my eye-teeth. No offence, of course." "Certainly not." "You look straight goods, and I b'lieve I'd run almost any risk to catch that train well, by jinks! here comes Grenelli now; that makes it all O.K." I did not like the looks of the man who presently joined us in response to Ben Day's hail.

I haven't lived in this world fifty years and more without having my eye-teeth cut. You're welcome to the courtesies of this bank and of my house as long as you care to avail yourself of them. We'll cut our cloth as circumstances dictate in the future. I'd like to see you come to Chicago, solely because I like you personally.

I fancy, too, he knows how to enjoy the blessings of life that his province so abundantly bestows upon him. At least, I heard a little rat of a creature with hock-bottle shoulders explaining that a man from Chicago could pull the eye-teeth of a Californian in business.

"I mean I know you're from the country, and don't know no better, and I mus'n't impose upon your ignorance." "My ignorance, you impudent villain!" exclaimed the old man, with rising wrath. "Yes, governor; you hain't cut your eye-teeth yet! you hain't up to snuff! you don't know nothing!

One word more to complete my description of the teeth: that portion of them which is in the jaw is called the root; and the incisors, which cannot work hard because, like the gig-horses, they have but little resisting power, possess only small and short roots; whereas the canines, whose duty it is to tear the food sideways, would run the risk of being dragged out and left sticking in the substances they are at work upon, if they were not well secured; these, therefore, have roots which go much deeper into the jaw, and in consequence of this they give us more pain than the others when the dentist extracts them: those famous eye-teeth, which so terrify people on such occasions, are the canines of the upper jaw, and lie, in fact, just below the eye.