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This epistle, however, proved in the main as unsuccessful as the rest, though it procured him an answer, wherein the person he wrote to informed him that his wife was extremely lame, insomuch that she could not put on her own clothes; that her servant was gone; that she had no money wherewith to defray the expenses of a journey to town, much less to assist him in his distress.

It was not likely that Mrs Constable had parted with her five boys with any sense of joy, and it was not lightly that she had undertaken the duties of kindergarten mistress at Ardshiel; but right to her was right, and it seemed the only way to pay expenses. As Mrs Maclure unfolded her scheme the gray eyes grew bright and the lips trembled. 'But does Mrs Macintyre consent? she said at last.

In the evening Montgomery joined Cartwright in a corner of the smoking-room. "I expect Captain Brown told you about the bother I gave him," he remarked. "That is so," said Cartwright. "He, however, stated you gave him some help." "All the same, at the beginning, I held up the job. When Brown could not work, your expenses ran on and I feel I ought to pay." "It's just.

And then I had your schooling to pay for no small amount, I assure you." "Thank heaven that is over, papa! And now, if you would only let me go out as a governess, I might be some help to you instead of a burden." "There's time enough to think of that. You are not much of a burden to me at present. I don't suppose you add many pounds a year to the expenses of this house.

But no! "If they were poor, so much the more reason why the girls should marry rich," argued Mrs. Brudenell; and instead of retrenching her expenses, she merely changed the scene of her operations from Paris to London, forgetting the fact everyone else remembered, that her "girls," though still handsome, because well preserved, were now mature women of thirty-two and thirty-five.

Certainly a more wonderful claim was never made than this a demand upon an absolute monarch for indemnity for expenses incurred in fomenting a rebellion of his own subjects.

The judge knew that the expenses would be heavy, and he was not sure that he would ever be able to give him a finished education. It was nearly fifty miles to Exeter, and Daniel and his father were to ride there on horseback. That was almost the only way of traveling in those days. The next morning two horses were brought to the door.

In three years there would be another festal occasion of two weeks' duration, at which a water-buffalo would again be sacrificed, and when a second period of three years has elapsed the final celebration of three weeks' duration will be given, with the same sacrificial offering. Thus the occasions are seen to be of increasing magnitude and the expenses in this case to be on a rising scale.

"Do not be alarmed, my dear and most amiable parent," replied Lord Sherbrooke: "the sweet discussion which we had some time ago, in regard to debts and expenses, has had its effect: though it is a very stupid plan of a son ever to let his father see that what he says has any effect upon him at all; but I intend to contract my expenses."

It is the share, the sad and large share, that French society and its recent habits of luxury, of expenses, of dress, of indulgence in every kind of extravagant dissipation, has to lay to its own door in its actual crisis of ruin, misery, and humiliation.