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The other excretions were slightly in excess of the ordinary amount. There are many cases of constipation on record lasting longer than this, but none with the same periodicity and without change in the excrement. Tommassini records the history of a man of thirty, living an ordinary life, who became each year more constipated.

In this way, during violent exertion, several ounces of the fluids of the body are sometimes thrown out by perspiration in a very few minutes; whereas, after life is extinguished, all the excretions cease, and waste is limited to that which results from ordinary chemical decomposition. Andrew Combe's treatise on the "Physiology of Digestion."

The life history is more simple than in the flat worms. Intermediate hosts are not required for the development of the common forms. The eggs and embryos are deposited by the female in the intestinal tract, air passages, or excretory ducts of the kidneys of the host. Development may be completed here, or the eggs and embryos are passed off with the body excretions.

It is an accepted fact that pearls are excretions of superimposed concentric laminæ of a peculiarly fine and dense substance, consisting in major part of carbonate of lime. Linnæus, believing in the possibility of producing pearls by artifice, suggested the collecting of mussels, piercing holes in their shells to produce a wound, and bedding them for five or six years to give pearls time to grow.

She began May 30, 1883, after a fright, and on the same day, after several convulsive attacks, she fell into a profound sleep, during which she was kept alive by small quantities of liquid food, which she swallowed automatically. The excretions were greatly diminished, and menstruation was suppressed.

Partial deficiency is described by Petit Severinus, and others. There may be imperforation or congenital occlusion of some portion of the urethra, causing enormous accumulation of urine in the bladder, but fortunately there is generally in such cases some anomalous opening of the urethra giving vent to the excretions. Tulpius mentions a case of deficient urethra.

The solid, easily accessible fare of the materialists was especially relished by those educated in the natural sciences, and Vogt's maxim, that thought stands in a similar relation to the brain as the gall to the liver and the excretions of the other organs, met with the greater approval the more confidently and wittily it was promulgated.

W. G. Proudfoot: "On looking up I noticed that hundreds of large black ants were going up and down the tree, and then I saw the aphides.... But what struck me most was that the aphides showered down their excretions independently of the ants' solicitations, while at other times I noticed that an ant would approach an aphis without getting anything, and would then go to another.

Parts of organs, various secretions and excretions are very commonly used. One useful method of practice reached a remarkable development, viz., the art of acupuncture the thrusting of fine needles more or less deeply into the affected part.

I see but one inconveniency in it. Ho, ho, ha, ha, ha! said Pantagruel, and what is that? It is, that the flies would be so liquorish of them that you would wonder, and would quickly gather there together, and there leave their ordure and excretions, and so all the work would be spoiled.