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It is a powerful, and, at need, murderous weapon. Pomponio pulled out his knife from its leather sheath and examined it by touch, for it was too dark to see it. He felt carefully of the blade; yes, it was, sharp as a razor, and would do the work wanted of it. He grasped it nervously, but firmly, in his right hand. Then he paused.

And when it came to other subjects subjects to be examined and illustrated by means of the natural objects around them the rocks and stones, the grass and flowers and trees the worms that creep, and the birds that fly the treasures of the earth beneath, and the wonders of the heavens above, there was no thought of lesson or labour then. It was pure pleasure to David, and to his father, too.

Downie, who well remembers the Sunchild, was also examined, and gave his evidence with so much convincing detail as to make it unnecessary to call further witnesses.

"It could be, I suppose, but we've examined the whole area from the plane. I didn't see anything suspicious or particularly interesting." "Not a thing," Scotty confirmed. "But it might be a good idea to take another look." "Okay. We can do it later this afternoon. Now, according to what I remember, the first stop the ghosts made was right about here.

The servant who came to open the door examined him attentively, and then announced that Madame d'Arlange was in the country. He evidently fancied that Lecoq was a creditor.

Some noticed and commented upon the brown moustache, that shaded the rather too soft and bland mouth; and observed the elegant tone of his dress, which, when it was examined, resolved itself rather into the way his clothes were worn. Ford introduced him to the lawyers present, with whom his quiet, modest manner deepened the impression made by his person.

The fellow who invented it ought to have his head examined." "It has made you in a horrible mess," said his father, who took no interest in cowls, but lost his temper in a smoky house. "I'll run in and have a change and wash." "No; put the nasty thing down and come into the garden." He opened the gate, and Victor followed, after dipping his hands in the waterfall.

The town which was nearest to this spot was Acanthus, the situation of which, together with that of the canal, will be found upon the map. The fleet arrived at this point by sea nearly at the same time with the army coming by land. Xerxes examined the canal, and was extremely well satisfied with its construction.

This feeling gave an impetus to the growth of the new aspirations he had already suffered his mind to generate; and Constance marked, with vivid delight, that he now listened to her plans with interest, and examined the political field with a curious and searching gaze. But she was soon condemned to a disappointment proportioned to her delight.

Arrived in his bedroom, the count motioned to Ali to stop; then he passed into the dressing-room, which he examined. Everything appeared as usual the precious secretary in its place, and the key in the secretary. He double locked it, took the key, returned to the bedroom door, removed the double staple of the bolt, and went in.