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'That's the way it's done, the Queen said with great decision: 'nobody can do two things at once, you know. Let's consider your age to begin with how old are you? 'I'm seven and a half exactly. 'You needn't say "exactually," the Queen remarked: 'I can believe it without that. Now I'll give YOU something to believe. I'm just one hundred and one, five months and a day.

"Its paws are white really, but I think it's been in the coal-hole." This seemed very likely, for not only its paws but the smart ribbon Ruth had tied round its neck was grimy and black. "It's not exactually pretty," she continued, "but it's a very nice cat. You can't think how well it knows me generally." Mr Lorimer studied the long lean form of the cat curiously through his eye-glass.

"We shall have this fellow in phrenitis, or laryngitis, or dothenenteritis, or some other itis, before long, if he's aggravated." "And whichever it is, it'll kill him. He has no more stamina left than a yard of pump water." "I should consider him chargeable to the parish," suggested the bar-keeper. "Exactually so, my Solomon of licensed victuallers. Get a workhouse order for him, Costello."

"Its paws are white really, but I think it's been in the coal-hole." This seemed very likely, for not only its paws but the smart ribbon Ruth had tied round its neck was grimy and black. "It's not exactually pretty," she continued, "but it's a very nice cat. You can't think how well it knows me generally." Mr. Lorimer studied the long lean form of the cat curiously through his eye-glass.