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Why, she she ain't even brown. She's white as white." His voice became softer, and he was no longer addressing the ex-Churchman. "Did y' ever see sech skin so soft an' white? An' that ha'r, my word! I'd gamble a dollar her eyes is blue ef she'd jest open 'em."

Beasley chuckled across at him, and the sound of his mirth infuriated Buck. He understood the laugh and the meaning underlying it. "Buck turned wet nurse," cried the ex-Churchman, as he beheld the sudden flush on the youngster's face. "You can ke'p your durned talk," Buck cried. "You Beasley and the lot of you," he went on recklessly. "She's no ord'nary gal; she's she's a lady."

"I'll be to home when the camp's abed," he said. "I'll sure see the gal safe." So they parted, leaving the Padre perfectly confident in Buck's ability to make good his assurance. It was a wild scene inside the drinking-booth over which the ex-Churchman presided. The men had returned from their fruitless pursuit of their intended victim.

An' you'll need to bustle him some, because ther's a kind o' storm gettin' around right smart. Eh?" He turned and glanced sharply at Beasley. "You got a dollar?" "It's fer whisky," leered the ex-Churchman, as he laid the dirty paper on the top of Buck's. In two minutes the pooling was completed and the Kid prepared to set out.

"The Padre buried the others?" he said questioningly. It was Dick's partner, Abe Allinson, who took it upon himself to answer. "Y' see the Padre's done a heap. Slaney's missis didn't guess we'd orter worrit him. That's how she said." Buck suddenly swung round on Beasley. "Fix it for to-morrow, an' the Padre'll be right along." He looked the ex-Churchman squarely in the eye.

That's your trouble, so jest shut right up while better folks handles a matter wot's a sight too delicate fer a rotten mind like yours." The smile had returned to every face except the foxy features of the ex-Churchman, who for once had no adequate retort ready. Curly Saunders nodded appreciation, and helped to solve the momentary dilemma prevailing.